I hope your cat eats your thesaurus

May 08, 2010 19:50

Dear [Mary Sue] and [German Army Fetish Guy],

I get that your characters are laughing. But is it so hard to just use the word "laugh"? When you use the word "chuckle", my character, [Bad Attitude Shark-Guy], is likely to take that to mean you are laughing AT him, not that you're amused by what he's saying.

Chuckle (Defined by Merriam-Webster): verb -

1 : to laugh inwardly or quietly
2 : to make a continuous gentle sound resembling suppressed mirth chuckled over gravel - B. A. Williams>
This is more of a facepalm than a rant, because your antics amuse me.

[Writer Whose Cat Ate Her Thesaurus Years Ago]


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