May 07, 2010 11:49
You: GET OFF THIS GAME. You hardly log in, but when you do, being around you is like nails on chalkboard. You are extremely twofaced and talk behind other peoples' backs, 'warning' newbs about players you personally dislike for no other reason than you dislike them because you don't like their 'over-friendly' yet completely harmless quirks, and think that everybody should be like you and dislike such things. You also complain endlessly about stupid crap that sane people wouldn't give a DAMN about. Or your whore complains about it and therefore you must too, or be satisfied with Rosie Palm and her five sisters. Protip: wishing death on a statistical amount of people for no good reason other than you disagree with their viewpoint doesn't exactly inspire confidence in your overall mental health.
Also get that stick out of your ass. You are one of the most intolerant people I know. And that's saying something. You think every game should go the way you think, and that if someone dares deviate from what You Know Best™ that it is a threat to the game that will cause people to leave. Ever consider the possibility that it's your attitude, and those of your friends, that drives people off, and not the friendly people with vivid imaginations (while not unthemely, but wander outside YOUR personal comfort zone) that make the game more enjoyable? How about this. YOU start your own version of this game. I know you are capable of doing so. Invite your friends, I don't care. If I owned the game (which unfortunately I don't) I'd give you the code to clone it and offer to pay to host it on a mirror server. Then you and your friends can go have your circle-jerk and leave the rest of us alone. Considering most of your friends don't actually RP much at all anymore, I'll predict that your version dies a slow death while the normal one lives and flourishes. And for the love of god, STOP TELLING PEOPLE HOW TO PLAY.
You: Just leave me alone. Seriously. I'm not speaking to you ever again. It's not worth it. You obviously can't get along with me because of your paranoid delusions. Sorry, I do not deal with the Crazy.
You: You don't RP hardly at all. All you do is sit around waiting for drama, hoping to stir some garbage up and then bask in the stench. The fact is that you are the worst Propriety Nazi I have ever seen. Miss Manners would be rolling in her grave at your attitude and behavior. Is it really worth it to explode on someone for mentioning a TV show they watched in general chat, simply because it is a show you either have not seen, or do not like? You have some serious issues, and until you address them, DON'T SPEAK TO ME. Better yet, GTFO. Go fail at life more.
You: Ever since you came into a position of power, you've been pretty much letting your personal opinions affect your judgment. The people who agree with you have far too much influence, because you agree with them strongly AND they are your very good friends. I understand you're young, but you are no longer in high school. Stop pretending that the game is some sort of popularity contest. We came here to play, not deal with your bullshit politics. Also I heard that you and a good friend of yours were against me from the very beginning...simply because you didn't like a story I had written on another site. Real mature, there. Grow up. The game is not the place to let your personal hangups ruin the fun of others.
If the lot of you were suddenly unable to play at all ever again for ANY reason, the world would be a better place.
No love and stay the fuck out of my life,
i r better tahn u,