Apr 27, 2010 21:30
No, it isn't technically against the rules to pop in out of nowhere, kill someone randomly with the excuse of a 'evil personality', suddenly get control back, run away, and switch to a new character so no one can come after you IC...
But it's still a bitch move.
multiple personality fail
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Of course, I'm still trying to convince the other admin that we need a 'if a player does something REALLY obnoxious we can ban them for a while for it' rule.
On the other hand, I imagine making individual rules covering parts of bad behavior could get kind of daunting after a while. It'd be nice if you could honor good behavior in general in one fell swoop, though getting wordy is called for, in cases like this.
But I assume you already have something written to take care of that kind of contingency. Not quite the same, but possibly more annoying.
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