Apr 26, 2010 15:49
Dear Two Specific Nobodies,
Get your act together. If you want something, WORK FOR IT. Sitting on your ass and poking something will do nothing. If you want to keep something alive you don't just stand there with your back turned. ACT, DAMMIT!
It's your faults in the first place that the role-play has died. You pleaded and begged for me to keep it open, even after no one had posted a thing in MONTHS. Graciously, I gave you all another chance and what kind of repayment did we receive? Nothing. Nothing at ALL. You wanted the subplot of the 'Heartless' possessing the Nobodies, and I accepted it grudgingly. Hell, I even gave some of my characters one, if you include "N's" alter-ego to satisfy you. And what happened?
It died, because of what YOU did, numb-skulls. You're my friends, so I'm going easy on you both, but if you want to role-play with me in the future then tough shit because I've had enough of you two fucking up the plot for your own whims...and leaving my ideas out altogether. This only multiplies my feelings of resentment when I'M THE ONE IN CHARGE OF THE ROLEPLAY.
Also, stop using the poor kid as a punching bag; he's a BOSS FIGHT MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE SERIES, NOT SOME WEAKLING OF A OTHER-WORLDER LIKE THAT GUY IN TRAVERSE TOWN. (If it was against one of the spoiler characters, then I could understand it...but PEOPLE HE'S EASILY KILLED IN CANON?)
Expect me to go Master Aqua on your ass next time this occurs.
Dear Specific Somebody,
Thank you for trying to help get their lazy asses out of their chairs in the Lazy Corner, but I fear it was all for naught.
You Nobodies suck,
One very pissed-off spoiler magnet.
ETA: The typos were bothering me.
holy shit capslock rage