Dear ...whoever you are:
The tacit form of plot-planning that takes place in this RPG, whether you're aware of it or not, is that people generally send OOC PMs to one another to work out various kinks and/or suggest the general direction of a plotline they're interested in taking up with your character.
Certainly, some plots spring up organically without the benefit of behind-the-scenes planning, but in this case...I really would have liked some kind of heads-up.
Without PMing me. Without introducing yourself--I take it you're a new arrival. Without any kind of warning. Your character walks breaks into my character's place of business and takes over in some vain, cocky attempt to win over my character and get hired. Maybe it's in character for your character to be cocky--I can believe that and accept that.
Thing is, my character is a loner. He's not rich. He works alone. He has, since your first post in his place of work, refused you a number of times, to no avail. You descended to death-threats and more cockiness. Feeling I had some unwitting godmoding on my hands here, my character's gone so far as to use pretty much the best extent of weaponry he had on-hand in order to immobilize you so he could physically get rid of you, and then proceeded to fully secure his establishment. I felt dirty doing it, but responding on (or as close as I felt comfortable getting to) your level of UNLIMITED COSMIC POWAAAAH seemed the only way to resolve the situation.
But of course what would normally put anyone else off and render them physically weakened for a certain length of time doesn't work on YOU. I didn't try to kill you because a) I knew it wouldn't work and b) that'd be way out of line, for me and my character. I don't kill without permission or a good reason. You're annoying, yes, but if that got you the death sentence, my God, even I'd be dead on occasion.
Anyway, after you handily released yourself from the trap my character had placed you in, you came back and broke in again. No explanation as to how. You just "broke in again." Then again, I could probably just chalk it up to your amazing powers and not be too far wrong. You lucky bastard. Everything's justified, isn't it?
Part of the problem may be that I don't know this character or his canon well at all. The most I can gather from Wikipedia and google is that your character is an as-yet undefeated villain within his own canon. My poor little small-business-owner may be on the edge of freaky genius, but he is a middle-class mortal.
So you broke into his place again. You can see he and I are not impressed. And you just took up his "pretty little" intricately-designed weapon--which is all he had that worked against you, even if it only works for five minutes and doesn't hurt or stop you--and you melted it with your bare hands.
So, yes, from now on, I'm ignoring you. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're new to RPGs and don't quite understand that things like this Just Aren't Done. Part of me wants to just go back through all my posts with you and delete everything, or else make an OOC post about how frustrating this all is. I don't know. There just seems to be no dealing with you. I feel very backed into a corner, at this point. Your character's ultimatum seems to have made it clear that my character can either take a major step out of character and cave to your demands, or die.
This is almost worse than that time the fairy-demon-goddess-Mary-Sue-of-Doom sicced a demonic battle on another character of mine in the middle of a library for no reason other than I'd politely refused (IC and OOC) to get involved. (If Muhammed won't go to the mountain...the mountain will come to Muhammed. Whether he wants it to or not.) Almost.