Shorts Are Fun for LULZ

Mar 07, 2009 08:30

Your application said: (unedited for grammar, spelling or stupid)

Im not letting my character be slashed up. I hate that kind of sic rp, when men in canon are made gay by pervents and have sex in anises. My character is good and hes strait in love with his wife.Now, Gay bear not mock the bad spelling or grammar. Gay bear sense that mun is not ( Read more... )

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riotlounge March 7 2009, 17:00:47 UTC
Not exploring your character's canon is retarded. However, I could probably be construed as being homophobic when I say that I dislike people who "make" canon characters who are not gay into gay/slashy/swishy characters.

It unfortunately goes both ways.


gay_bear March 7 2009, 17:03:25 UTC
Very true. But canon Jack is horny/slutty/non-discriminating Jack.


riotlounge March 7 2009, 17:04:13 UTC
And that's why we like him.


ardath_rekha March 7 2009, 17:17:19 UTC
Oh, I'd never have a problem with someone saying that they preferred to keep a character who's canonically straight -- and has demonstrated it time and again -- IC.

I've seen a number of instances myself of players massacring a character's canon personality just to get some buttsecks. Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to play slash, but if you have to butcher your character to make it plausible, why do it?

But Captain Jack Harkness...

...was first introduced to us standing in a WWII officer's club complimenting one of his fellow (male) officers on his ass...

...a few episodes later, kissed The Doctor full on the lips as a way of saying goodbye...

...has been caught, a few times, by his Torchwood associates, en flagrante delicto with another of their associates, a man named Ianto ( ... )


ardath_rekha March 7 2009, 17:19:00 UTC
LOL! Oh, durr, I was writing this while you replied to gay_bear, thinking you didn't know Captain Jack's canon. Nemmind! Sorry about the pedantic lecture on Stuff You Already Know. XD


shobogan March 7 2009, 17:22:39 UTC
Well, the use of the term swishy make me raise an eyebrow. ;p

Honestly? I do think making a character who's canonically had relationships with women 100& gay is pretty stupid, generally. I much prefer repressed/unnoticed bisexuality, if you want to ship them with someone of the same gender. Which doesn't invalidate all those OTHER relationships, but that's a whole other rant.


riotlounge March 7 2009, 17:37:50 UTC
Swishy - a definite change in their personality from sensitive or caring to straight on mopey/dishrag/"uke".

It's not even canonically just had relationships with women - it's giving them attraction to men that has never been seen, expressed, hinted at or suggested by anything in the story. That's inventing something that was not intended or was never there to begin with. This is why I dislike shipping in the first place and most fanfic. That's a rant for another time though.


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