Russia has four seasons. Four.

May 24, 2008 12:33

Goddamn it, DM, it's June. It's not going to be snowing in Moscow. Stop that.

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dv8nation May 24 2008, 17:05:04 UTC
God, your title had me flashing back to "Japan has four seasons. How many seasons are there where you're from?" question from my time in Japan.

I think I need vodka now.


beardedtroll May 24 2008, 18:28:28 UTC
"Three. Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving."


rootfireember May 24 2008, 19:15:00 UTC
Tourist Season, Hunting Season, Ski Season.


beardedtroll May 24 2008, 19:20:45 UTC
I thought they'd combined that into the Ski Tourist Hunting Season?


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roll_soul May 25 2008, 04:39:50 UTC
My god, Gutsman's ass really is everywhere.


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dv8nation May 25 2008, 00:32:21 UTC
You kinda have to have lived in Japan to fully get what I'm talking about. Because the typical reaction if you say for is "Really!? I thought that was just Japan!"

Sadly, a lot of people over there think that Japan really is the only place on earth with four seasons. As you might imagine, foreigners get tired of this question VERY quickly.


blackjackrocket May 25 2008, 00:42:37 UTC
Portland has two--rainy season and Tuesday.


cathowl May 25 2008, 03:43:49 UTC
Portland, Oregon? I kinda remember it as being rainy season and "OH GOD I'M ON FIRE!". Ugh, August in Portland...


siraj May 25 2008, 11:28:04 UTC
Portland's generally like that... Roseburg and the surrounding area, on the other hand...


cathowl May 26 2008, 08:59:57 UTC
I've lived in several different areas in or around Portland. Summer is always unbearable. But maybe that's just because I hate heat.


siraj May 26 2008, 12:28:50 UTC
Come down here to Sutherlin or Roseburg. It tends to be a little cooler down here in the valley. Not by much, but it helps.


cathowl May 26 2008, 20:04:08 UTC
Actually, I'm living in California now, but I'll keep that in mind, because I do want to move back to Oregon.


siraj May 27 2008, 01:50:18 UTC
There's maybe a 5-7 degree difference in this area. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't do a damn bit of good, but it's worth noting.


blackjackrocket May 26 2008, 03:50:30 UTC
August in Portland is preferable to July in northern Indiana, which is where I used to live. Over 110 and no one batted an eye.


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