This was supposed to be a rant about something else, but this is a fresh wound.

Apr 29, 2006 10:11

I was supposed to be writing something else, but instead I’ll write about you. Yes, you. Why can we not get rid of you? It’s been over a year, and you’re still harassing people. You did it just! today! I saw the conversation! WTF.

‘tis a timeless tale of not so much a bad role-player, as much as a psychotic one that won’t leave the innocent alone. )

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jainieg April 29 2006, 16:32:51 UTC
But, we honestly considered it, my wondrous co-mod and I. We dwelt on it a few days, and during that day’s time, we got to hear all about how they played Rain and Alice as lesbians (RL-into-IC-blend, anyone?).

FWIW, I actually got really strong femmeslashy vibes from Rain and Alice in the movie, myself... *shrug*


scatterbomb April 29 2006, 18:12:48 UTC
If you say so, on that one, heh.


jainieg April 29 2006, 18:14:22 UTC
Yep! But then Michelle Rodriguez throws off wicked lesbian vibes, so... hehe


scatterbomb April 29 2006, 18:24:45 UTC
I dunno, I usually don't sit there looking for pairings unless it's obvious, as it's usually... not happening if it's only a vibe.

Either way, Rain and Alice together was the typical they-totally-love-one-another-I-love-you story that happens wayyyyy too often on the internet, kind of like the going crazy on people thing, and then blaming disorders when they get into trouble.


jainieg April 29 2006, 18:38:31 UTC
Well, to some people it's more obvious than others - it's not as though I went looking for it. It's just what I saw... *shrug*

And, yeah, I love how a lot of people on the intarwebs try to blame whatever strain of 'asshole' they've got on mental illness, disorders and the like. If you're an asshole, then for god's sakes own that - don't blame it on some mental or emotional boogeyman you're supposedly suffering from - because most likely, there's someone on the intarbutt (most probably someone in your same RPG as a matter of fact) who has the actual, honest-to-god ailment you're claiming to suffer from and they never use it as an excuse.


scatterbomb April 29 2006, 18:41:27 UTC
Oh, I believe you. I'm just that kind of person that... I honestly get shocked the first time I hear of ANY non-canon pairing. Heterosexual, homosexual, I'm just like "Huh?" until my brain decides to stop WTFing.

THANK YOU. Exactly. I love it, too, when they blame it on something that doesn't even necessarily mean having that = bad attitude.


jainieg April 29 2006, 18:44:47 UTC
*giggles* I used to do that, too, but honestly, I find that one of the most fun parts of fandom - playing around with the characters and pairings and see who works, who doesn't, etc... interesting stuff!

And, yeah, exactly. It seems like no matter what these people have got, it winds up forcing them to act like asshats online. I've got a hangnail - can I act like a bitch, now? O.o


scatterbomb April 29 2006, 18:49:22 UTC
True, very true. I'm just such a prude, ahaha. I just took my first overtly-sexual character in RP EVER just a few months ago, and I've been RPing for YEARS.

Only if you cause an entire game to ripple with the aftershock of the drama.


jainieg April 29 2006, 18:52:55 UTC
*grins!* I'm on the completely opposite end of the spectrum - I've been playing more mature characters and writing fic with them since I first got into fandoms and stuff...

Oh, yeah! Me and my hangnail can bring teh drameh, most definitely!


scatterbomb April 29 2006, 18:58:22 UTC
My characters tend to be ones like... Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII, or Vergil from Devil May Cry. I have one sexualish character who I play a lot, but she's married and faithful and sweet and blahblah. But I recently took Isaac from the Castlevania series, which is... such a mind blowingly different character. "Molesting" is the best term for him. Oh, and I'm having a BLAST playing him, but I don't think I could do it often.

Whoo! You'll be BRPSed next!


jainieg April 29 2006, 19:01:36 UTC
*grins!* My main character in a couple of RPGs is a very sexual creature who wound up finding the love of her life and marrying her, so I definitely get the best of both worlds, with her, I think... :D

Yay! I'll be all famous on tha intarwebbutt!


scatterbomb April 29 2006, 19:04:24 UTC
That's cool! I love my Eva. She's in her canon-set marriage with a bunny-fearing repented demon that took on Hell and won. And she totally wears the pants in that relationship. *cuddles her* Especially with her pregnant self. I LIKE marriages (I'm guessing you do too!), if they're done in a way that jives good.

And a tear will come to my eye. "I talked to them once about sexuality and fandom."


jainieg April 29 2006, 19:10:04 UTC
Well, my pup's relationship is rather unconventional and always has been (not to mention full of crossover-y goodness!), but they're a fantastic pairing. I really do love 'em together. This is actually the first time I've played a character who's gotten married (and it's her first marriage, too), so it's definitely an interesting thing to explore with my character...

I know! You'll be all speshul, too, by proxy! Go you!


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