More fun with insanity

Apr 29, 2006 04:33


After your antics in the RP, I have been ignoring you for a reason. Please make a note that the fact that I haven't responded to a word you've said the last 862 times you've IMed me would, to anyone else, indicate a desire to have nothing to do with you. I'd have blocked you by now, but frankly my block list is occupied by armies of spambots.

This said, what could you possibly hope to accomplish by IMing me? Could you possibly think that you'd get an "OMG, YOU WERE RIGHT" from me and that I'd come to you begging forgiveness for your ejection? Do you honestly think you can sway me anymore with your sob stories which seem to act as a convenient front for treating people like shit? Do you think I honestly care about your meaningless ramblings about how you plan to rise again and bring about our imminent demises? Spare me. It's been done before by people far more coherent.

You're not fooling anyone, Anonymous Retard. You're not fooling anyone.
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