She's baaaaack.

Feb 14, 2013 19:27

With terrible music and more bad riding.

BONUS! A rant against us!

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Wasn't planning on uploading
anything but due to some recent posts on another website about me being a
"disaster", and "so when are you going to learn that a two point is
necessary and so is relaxing your arms?" "worst case of zombie arms I've
seen in a while" "It would be entertaining to see her try and navigate a
course with unbalancing herself and her horse over every fence like
that" etc etc I just feel there are a few things that have to be said.

just cos I post these random videos here, it doesn't automatically give
anyone the right to repost and then publish their harsh opinions. I
could count on one hand the ammount of people on youtube who have ever
met either myself or Jumanji, never mind ever ridden him. He has a heart
of gold but he does have a very awkward jump - and no, I'm definitely
not the best rider on the planet and have never ever claimed to be, but I
still don't think my riding, even on a bad day, merrits the comments
You can't judge anyone from a 3 minute video... there's so much
history and emotions and background cicumstances going on, and quite
frankly I'm disappointed that there's such a page to post and slag off
other riders.
Is this what the horsey world has come to? If so, I'm really not sure I want to be a part of it.
love this horse more than anything, I spend every single day in the
freezing cold caring for him and spending time with him and working with
him. He was not handed to me ready schooled and full of confidence.
Every single brick of his wall was built by me personally, and though
I'm probobly the worst person ever at taking compliments from others or
especially complimenting myself, I think I've done a pretty good job!
he has a great nature, but he's only good to me because I'm good to
him. I can gaurantee if anyone else took this horse on he would not be
half the boy he is right now. We are a team, I look out for him, he
looks out for me. I know he'd rather have me any day - bad habits and
all, over the best rider on youtube.
Reading through a page of
judgements from people who don't know the first thing about either of us
is pretty downheartening after the past five years of blood sweat and
tears I've put into this horse. Bit of a slap in the face really!

People need to remember there is so much worse going on than a girl who isn't a very good rider.
there are people out there losing their families to cancer and people
starving to death and kids with no water to drink, and yet my riding
position is an enthralling discussion!?
Really makes me lose faith in people.
But anyway, This is all I'm going to say on the topic - as I'm never a negative person - but I think it had to be said.
you don't like the way I ride, that's fine, you don't need to watch.
You can easily unsubscribe - it honestly doesn't bother me what number
is on my page. But ofcourse - none of you who dislike me will - because
you love the drama!!
But anyway, as I said, it's all I'm going to say
as I'm really not going to let it get to me, The reason I do upload my
videos here ss for no other than I love my horse. Endless ammounts. I
love watching back the crazy things we got up to, and sharing them with
all you lovely people. Because genuinelly, almost all of you guys are
amazing people - you are great, you really keep me going. I love hearing
how you all get on with your own horses and I love sharing our stories
with you - as I hope you enjoy seeing them.
I haven't uploaded my videos for anyone to harshly slag me off.
a little star, and yes he puts up with a heck of alot - I'm constantly
trying to work on my riding - for him, not for anyone else - and we're
getting there. But no, I can't get lessons every week. Every penny of my
wages goes to keeping both my boys happy and healthy and on a yard they
like. I pay every penny for my boys and I'm at the yard every single
night after work caring for them without fail.
Do they look unhappy to you? in any way?
I don't know who posted the topic on us originally. But I know it's
someone who watches my videos - and someone who is probobly reading this
now - so all I want to say to you is please think before you write
something so negative about someone you don't know - wether it's
justified or not - it does absolutely nothing for anyone except maybe
make you feel better about yourself in some horrible selfsih way because
"you can ride better".
Really, it's not an attractive thing to do.
Everybody is different... dont' judge others for not living up to your
amazing high standards. Just accept nobody is going to be as brilliant
and talented as you and move on lol
Thank you guys for everything
though, my reply option thing still isn't working - i'm trying to reply
to all your comments on my last upload! I really really appreciate it
all though - honestly. You are all far too nice and i appreciate the
kind words :D
Thanks for all your support guys! Lots of love, Coley Jay and Storm!! xxxxxx


position_fail, i'm the best!, show jumping, terrible trainers

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