Oct 14, 2012 21:07



Piaffe is achieved by training a horse up through the levels of dressage with flexion, contact and collection, NOT BY TYING IT BETWEEN TWO DAMN POSTS!

Now its gone from a$$hats in their backyards to polished smooth-talkers making DVDs and advertising on FACEBOOK. 
Do I sound like I'm kidding?

From the site
"I am new to horses, is this too advanced for me?
This DVD was created with the amateur in mind. Each step is carefully explained so that even a Novice will be able to school Piaffe."

"Is this only for advanced horses? My horse is still learning the basics.
One of the great misconceptions is that Piaffe is only for advanced horses.
Reading the old books it is clear that many, if not all of, the Masters trained piaffe in hand early on in training to help develop strength and balance in the horse.
Piaffe is performed at the highest levels of competition, but it is also a valuable exercise that can be used throughout the training process. Keep in mind that asking for a few steps of piaffe in hand requires much less from the horse than if he was performing piaffe a Grand Prix Dressage test, which is several minutes long and the requires many other movements in that time."

Well sure, your version of the piaffe is easier than the Grand Prix requirement. Because its a slightly more horse-friendly edition of those "horse dancing" videos plastered all over Youtube.

dressage, i'm the best!, english, wtf?, grand prix, clueless owners

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