I see nothing wrong with the 2nd and 3rd pics. Those riders are handling it quite well since their horses do seem a bit unsure about the ditch. The rest of the photos just look like oopsies moments with people who are new to eventing. The first vid of the girl going over the two foot jump for her first time actually looks great! She two points before the jump, has a nice solid leg, and gives the horse a release. She seems to know the basics of what to do. Is there something wrong with the groundpole I'm completely missing? She looks way better than I did when I went over my first 2ft jump in a lesson. I got rocketed off balance even when I did try holding a two point over the jump. ^^'
The last girl has been featured on here several times. Nothing new...
for the 2nd & 3rd pics I see riders encouraging horses to stop the next time by not releasing. the 2 ft jump, first time thing(this may be just me, but everything on here is an opinion anyway) - she shouldn't be 2 pointing before the jump, if you are able to jump 2ft, you should know how to 2point at takeoff. I also see that she doesn't hold herself off the saddle, just sort of forward, and she plops down on her horse's back like a sack of potatoes. And her 2-point is the classic learning to ride 2point (which is fine, over a midgety cross rail or a tiny vertical), heels come up, weight leans forward, stick hands halfway up horse's neck, lean elbows on neck. My apologies on a repost, I try not to do that. *loopy from robaxacet*
Oh, and the groundpole is supposed to be on the same side as you are jumping, the whole point is that it helps your horse judge his takeoff. If you want to jump from both sides with a groundpole you can, just put double groundpoles. but you shouldn't have just one, and have it the opposite side of the jump.
the 2nd and 3rd pictures I don't think are BADRIDING quality. Crap moment, but the riders look fairly balanced, and we've ALL had the moments of not releasing enough (especially when it looks like a green horse/rider combo as far as XC). Can't learn unless you mess up a few times, and those riders look like they're ready to be doing the 18" stuff. The first one, however, yikes.
The last girl has been featured on here several times. Nothing new...
the 2 ft jump, first time thing(this may be just me, but everything on here is an opinion anyway) - she shouldn't be 2 pointing before the jump, if you are able to jump 2ft, you should know how to 2point at takeoff. I also see that she doesn't hold herself off the saddle, just sort of forward, and she plops down on her horse's back like a sack of potatoes. And her 2-point is the classic learning to ride 2point (which is fine, over a midgety cross rail or a tiny vertical), heels come up, weight leans forward, stick hands halfway up horse's neck, lean elbows on neck.
My apologies on a repost, I try not to do that. *loopy from robaxacet*
And the video....
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