(no subject)

Mar 04, 2009 11:56

Photo was posted in a forum, I belong to.

I pointed out that her and her pony are progressing well, but she needs to work on her lower leg as she is still pinching with her knees, which is effecting her entire body right down to her broken wrists.

I got this in reply from a 'trainer'.

"so much is put on young riders to not go up heights because their position is not 'perfect'

Yes by all means fix position problems, but just because you pinch with the knee or come a bit too far forward doesnt mean you cant jump 80cm.

anyone seen pics of Ron Easy or John Fahey???? absolute SHOCKING positions but as long as its not causing probs - have a go.

As a coach i want my riders to ride 'correctly' but i am not perfect (my position is far from it) and there are many many high level riders who are not 'correct' but are still 'effective'.

If we aim for 'perfect' all of the time our riders will never progress and will lose heart and give up. Let the little things slide and fix the things that are actually causing probs.

as a coach there would be things i would say to both of these riders, but they are out there doing it and are getting the job done - so well done to both of you !"

Just because some successful Aussie riders have crap position, our juniors shouldn't work on theirs?
and don't worry about the little things - which are obviously effecting everything else!?!?! GRRR

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