I laughed so loud I scared the dogs...

Mar 02, 2009 20:53

OK, so I was browsing through horse stuff on the net, when a series of links led me to another LJ community called

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Comments 74

nekomegami_chan March 3 2009, 05:25:43 UTC
Sorry, here's the second link. Turns out embedding was disabled.



vesleskjor March 3 2009, 05:38:41 UTC
Very mature comments from them in the second video -_-


harnessphoto March 3 2009, 05:50:55 UTC
If you read any up to date veterinary article, you'll find out that "putting pressure on their kidneys" is a myth. That whole "two point" while they pee is an old wives tale. A human, especially a 120lb one, isn't heavy enough to do damage to a horse's kidneys by sitting on them.


nekomegami_chan March 3 2009, 07:03:15 UTC
Maybe not damage, but horse's aren't really designed to carry weight on their backs, and any weight beyond the 18th rib can be painful. The kidneys thing in more of a slang for being on the horse's lower back and putting undue pressure on the sacro-illiac joint.


maggies_lens March 3 2009, 07:08:40 UTC
I always got told to do the 2-point thing more for their comfort than any physcial-damage issues. Plus it just feels ... weird.. sitting there while they 'go' :P


harnessphoto March 3 2009, 13:10:42 UTC
I go into two point too... it does feel weird... But if you're in two point, your weight is still in your stirrups, which are connected to the saddle... so you're still on the horse's back. Yes, your weight is shifted, but it really doesn't make much of a difference.


maggies_lens March 3 2009, 07:07:27 UTC
Ummmm... healthy, happy looking horse, calmly obeying a command from an owner who isn't acting like a twat by any stretch of the imagination (altho I do agree teaching a horse to lay down legs-away from you is def recommended!!). And agreed with harnessphoto; the sitting on the kidneys myth is just that, a myth, esp for such a short time and by such a light-weight rider. Not Bad Riding worthy, sorry. Just a nifty trick.


jinx_of_2ndlaw March 4 2009, 10:03:11 UTC
The horse may be healthy TODAY, but in 3-5 years, it WILL have problems from this activity. There is a reason we don't get on our horses like this ( ... )


fleefloodle March 4 2009, 10:11:42 UTC
Ok...you did not just compare a horse to a dachshund?? There is a reason those dogs have so many back problems, and it's not due to small children picking them up where they have no ribs. Equine spine =/= dachshund spine.


jinx_of_2ndlaw March 5 2009, 01:49:35 UTC
My POINT was that the place where she was sitting WAS only the spinal column, not over the ribs where a rider normally sits, and where the ribs provide more support.

Less support DOES equal POTENTIAL DAMAGE! Why risk it?


madeyemads March 3 2009, 08:05:22 UTC
Um. He's healthy, happy and obviously just doing a trick. Agreed with zzrmags and Harnessphoto that the sitting on the kidneys thing is a myth. Look how tiny she is- she isn't going to be doing him any damage!
I just think that it's a cool trick and obviously shows a bond between horse and rider. Not bad riding. If she was showing little children how to do this? Then bad riding. If she wasn't wearing shoes? Possibly bad riding. Doing a trick isn't.

ETA: Because of grammar failure.


hagazusa March 3 2009, 09:08:45 UTC
Agreed. Not bad riding.


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