Age: 15
Height: 168cm (5'6")
Weight: 56kg/123lb
Medical Info: He got impaled once through the chest but got better ... other than that nothing remotely interesting. Usual childhood illnesses!
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grey-white
Physical traits: Kind of frail and delicate looking, scar on his chest from when he got impaled, wearing a suit with a huge ass broadsword strapped to his back that's almost bigger than he is.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Fictionality will just get a few weird looks and anything else will get puzzled looks about how you know that, because Luca's party travelled under the radar.
Abilities: Thanks to Luca being a reincarnation of a god, he has access to all sorts of weird powers, which boil down to:
- Being able to swing a broadsword that is about the same size as him without any strain at all;
- Cast fire magic;
- Sometimes turn into a huge ass tall divine general with extraordinary ass-kicking powers;
- when really angry, can access all of his power - when he does this in canon he destroys an entire fortress, knocking it out of the sky and then he falls to earth and survives without too much difficulty. It is really rare that Luca will ever do this - he only does it once in the game.
- Dreaming of his past life;
- Remembering his past life in fugue states.
All of these abilities are tied to his being a reincarnation of a god - they can be sealed away (and in fact do get sealed away in canon on a few occasions) and while Luca is obscenely powerful as a Avatar given who he is the Avatar of, other people who have conscious access to all of their abilities can get the drop on him. He's kind of like a badly aimed nuke.
Also Luca can cry like a pro when you upset him and takes forever to understand how friendship works. I think these are abilities.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: THIS IS COMPLICATED, STAY WITH ME.
Luca is, essentially, a descendant of a god that was cast down to earth (that's not unusual, everyone in his world is) who is also the reincarnation of a ass-kicking ladykiller general of a god army(that is unusual and should not exist). The upshot of all this is that Luca is going to be really noticeable to anyone with any kind of sense about this kind of thing at all, given that people in canon who are Avatars can also recognise Luca for what he is and go "WTF YOU'RE ASURA? YOU'RE SO PATHETIC" and then you can beat the living snot out of them. Needless to say, Luca is really used to being recognised as Asura's reincarnation and also for sucking, and is only now starting to shake off that inferiority complex he had going on.
He also has a lot of Asura's memories in addition to his own - these come to him in dreams or when he's in a fugue state so if your character is that way inclined, just let me know and we'll talk about what your character picked up! Most of them are nonsensical fragments of a war that Asura was leading to UNITE THE TWO FACTIONS AND RECREATE THE WORLD. Also of him scoring with ladies and not even knowing it. Awkward.
He can also talk to his preincarnation, so I guess both of them are sitting in there, chilling. Asura is mostly dormant - he's pretty much a frat boy turned awesome god general who was BETRAYED HORRIBLY by two people he loved most in the world (his lover and his sword) - but if your character can pick that stuff up, go for it.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Considering that Luca bodyswaps with his own preincarnation if you piss him off enough ... yeah sure, go for it, just ping me first.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: YES. ALL THE TIME. In fact, its canon that people are overcome with a desire to hug Luca. Like Spada. BROMANCE FOR LIFE.
Maim/Murder/Death: YES/TRY/TRY though really if he gets castmates we should talk about it because when Luca got impaled everyone freaked the fuck out.
Cooking: Surprisingly does not come up in game that I can recall but he is probably awesome.
Other: I'm using the AbsoluteZero translation of Tales of Innocence, because the game never got an English release. This means that I will be using all of their translations for stuff whenever possible (not all attacks were translated but let's face it, I'm going to be describing them), but the only real contentious thing is that I'm spelling it "Luca" and not "Ruca". But, if your character calls him Ruca he will answer to it.