Mr. Ackles' Flower Shop - Masterpost

Jul 19, 2012 18:11

Title: Mr. Ackles' Flower Shop for Unusual, Extraordinary and Peculiar Plants
Fandom: SPN RPS plus guest appearances by people from Bandom and Adam Lambert RPS
Genre: Fantasy/magic realism, with a dash of steampunk thrown in for good measure
Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Lindsey Way/Gerard Way, Gabe Saporta/William Beckett (Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff if you'd like to read it that way)
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the people mentioned herein, nor have I ever met any of them. This was written entirely for fun - no harm intended, no money made, my sincerest apologies if it happens to offend anyone.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 35,329
Warnings: Minor character death, mentions of drug use (plus mentions of het pairings, if that bothers you).
I'm sorry to say that this fic will probably be my last hurrah in the Supernatural/Supernatural RPF fandom. I suppose it's only fair, therefore, that this was possibly the most painful thing I've ever written, and while I'm reasonably proud of the way it's turned out, I am so very glad it's over and done with.

I could not have finished this story without the help of my lovely beta a_dreamwithin who vastly improves everything I write and deals with my insecure whining on top of it all, and my cheerleader/brainstorming-buddy/emotional crutch stella_lost who never lets me give up, no matter how much I want to.

Also thanks to pinkmonkeybird who - misunderstandings aside - created the most gorgeous art for me. Go check it out!

And last but not least, thanks so very much to the mods over at spn_j2_bigbang who deal with this year after year (after year).

Summary:Twisting hazel, wailing carnations, camouflage trilliums, skittering vines - to Jensen, sequestered in his flower shop, his plants are his best friends and constant companions. They see him through his tentative friendships with his customers, rival flower shop owner Mark's attempts to sabotage him, and even his hopeless crush on local university student Jared who comes in every couple of days to buy flowers for his girl.

But even they can't help him when Jensen has to use the plant that killed his mother to catch Mark in the act - no, that responsibility falls solely to Jared.

Link to art master post: Here

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Or read the whole thing on AO3 (+ PDF download).


rps, bigbang '12, j2

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