Module 4 Character Introduction Post

Jun 12, 2012 21:26

Brief introduction to the people I've borrowed for this. This is not a comprehensive primer, and I can't guarantee complete accuracy. You won't walk away from this post knowing what kind of underwear they all like to wear. It only tells you as much as I thought was necessary (or interesting) to get through the fic without getting completely lost.

The pictures I've used aren't the greatest, and certainly not my favorites. I chose the ones I did because I thought they fit the mood of the story best. The personalities presented in these pictures are by and large the ones I had in mind while I was writing this. That's all.


Real-life Tommy Joe Ratliff used to play bass for Adam Lambert and is now his lead guitarist. He's got tattoos and piercings and is a bit of an alcoholic really enjoys his drink. Tommy achieved pop culture fame when he made out with Adam during the 2009 AMA's. Or really, Adam made out with him. They've got a tiny bit of a D/s thing going, but that's neither here nor there.
They made out a whole bunch during Adam's GlamNation Tour, too. Adam has a boyfriend now (who isn't Tommy), so I don't know if they still do that. It was great while it lasted, though.

This is Adam:

Adam was runner up of the 2009 American Idol season. I hate elimination shows with a fiery passion, so my knowledge of that show does not extend beyond youtube clips and other people's primers.
After the season was done, Adam came out as gay (to nobody's surprise). He's since then recorded two albums, gone on a world tour, and has his sights set on becoming show biz's HBIC. He might be overcompensating for the fact that he was that fat ginger kid in high school, but you kinda can't help but love him.

My Chemical Romance:

From left to right: Ray Toro, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, some drummer we don't really give a damn about, Frank Iero.


MCR's rhythm guitarist. Frank is kind of a menace, both onstage and off. He's got tattoos and piercings (or used to) and crazy hair and is basically Tommy's emo soul mate. He's also a bit of a dick. The kind of dick where you watch him do his thing and think, "Wow, you're an asshole. But I love you!" <333


Gerard is MCR's lead singer. He's fabulous. Gerard will do (and has done) anything, up to and including substance addiction, performances on children's shows, and public (and publicly admitted) cross-dressing. He's also a bit of a feminist and a giant sweetheart, and I'd probably want to marry him if he wasn't married already.


On the left. Mikey is Gerard's little brother, just like in the fic, oh my God, you guys, a tiny bit of canon actually applies. Mikey plays bass. He also came up with the name My Chemical Romance, barely speaks but knows everybody, and used to wear glasses. Then he got Lasik, which is, you know. Good on him, but lame.


On the right. Ray plays lead guitar. I tried really hard to include him in this fic, I did, but he was being shy/stubborn and refused to do more than pole his head in a couple of times.

Who else is in it? And where did I get them from?

Bob Bryar

- Bandom - Ex-drummer for My Chemical Romance. I still love him, though, so I gave him a walk-on role.

Isaac Carpenter

- Adam Lambert RPS - One of two drummers for Adam's GlamNation Tour. He and Tommy go grocery shopping sometimes.

Ian Crawford

- Bandom - On the left. Used to play for The Cab, is now guitarist for Panic! at the Disco Version 3.0.

Zack Hall

- Bandom - Security guy for Panic! at the Disco

Nate Novarro

- Bandom - Middle. Cobra Starship's drummer.

Jamia Nestor

- Bandom - Far right. RL Frank's wife and mother of his children.

Monte Pittman

- Adam Lambert RPS - Played lead guitar during Adam's GlamNation Tour.

Ryan Ross

- Bandom - Ex-lyricist, -guitarist and sometimes singer of Panic! at the Disco. Quit the band, is now a non-entity. Last I heard, he was hanging around L.A. with his hipster friends, probably being deep and ironic.


- Bandom - MCR's security guy (with bonus Gerard!)

Hope that helped! If anything's really unclear still, drop me a line and I'll do my best to explain.

module 4

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