Hey there! Very flattered to hear that you liked it enough to reread. I hope you enjoy it the second time around, too.
Allison ending up as Adam's wife wasn't something I consciously considered, but I could see it happening in some distant future.
Adam, I imagine, would be very up-front with his wife, saying "I need to have an heir and I will treat you well, but Tommy is the one I want to be with." Tommy would no doubt go through a jealous period anyway, while Adam was off 'producing' an heir, and still have brief flashes of melancholia years after the fact, whenever Adam was particularly affectionate to his child/children and wife. (Which just means that Adam would have to prove that he still loves and wants Tommy very much. >D)
So yes, I could see Adam choosing Allison because she knows how much Tommy means to him and wouldn't try to get between them, and because Tommy likes her, too. Of course, Allison being Allison would no doubt get too attached anyway and there would be quite a bit of tension during her (first) pregnancy, with her wildly crushing on Adam and Tommy being miserable and Adam trying desperately to keep everything from falling apart.
Of course, there is also the possibility that Adam would be pressured to choose a girl from his own people because he's already swamped himself with foreigners and sort of needs to prove his loyalty, in which case his new wife would be just a tiny bit resentful that she's technically Queen of the Mountain but Tommy holds the position in actuality, and then Tommy would have a mini freak-out when he realizes how much pressure comes with being Adam's life-partner and disappear up into the mountains for a couple of days, and Adam would really freak out, but of course Tommy would come back just in time for Adam's baby to be born and they'd reconcile, not looking at each other but at the tiny squirming bundle in Adam's arms.
But, uh. Besides this mini not!fic, there's not really a sequel in the works. I'm sort of considering writing an AU where Adam comes back after the Greymen attack and has to go track down what's left of his family, and he meets Tommy on the way. (I also thought about a prequel, but then I'd have to not have Tommy, and I couldn't make myself actually do it.)
Either way, I'd have to see if inspiration strikes. I think I expended all my Glambert energy on this fic, and now I need a little time to recoup before I have another go.
LOL! I love this reply. You now have an outline for the sequel! But yeah. I know how it takes a lot out of you to write, and especially a novella like this in a few short months. I hope you revisit this, but if not, this was good.. your answer. I hope you do write again using this pairing. Best of luck to you in the future.
I'm sure there'll be more Adommy in the future. Adam just needs to get his damn album out already, and then I'm sure I'll be able to tempt my muse into more fic.
Allison ending up as Adam's wife wasn't something I consciously considered, but I could see it happening in some distant future.
Adam, I imagine, would be very up-front with his wife, saying "I need to have an heir and I will treat you well, but Tommy is the one I want to be with." Tommy would no doubt go through a jealous period anyway, while Adam was off 'producing' an heir, and still have brief flashes of melancholia years after the fact, whenever Adam was particularly affectionate to his child/children and wife. (Which just means that Adam would have to prove that he still loves and wants Tommy very much. >D)
So yes, I could see Adam choosing Allison because she knows how much Tommy means to him and wouldn't try to get between them, and because Tommy likes her, too. Of course, Allison being Allison would no doubt get too attached anyway and there would be quite a bit of tension during her (first) pregnancy, with her wildly crushing on Adam and Tommy being miserable and Adam trying desperately to keep everything from falling apart.
Of course, there is also the possibility that Adam would be pressured to choose a girl from his own people because he's already swamped himself with foreigners and sort of needs to prove his loyalty, in which case his new wife would be just a tiny bit resentful that she's technically Queen of the Mountain but Tommy holds the position in actuality, and then Tommy would have a mini freak-out when he realizes how much pressure comes with being Adam's life-partner and disappear up into the mountains for a couple of days, and Adam would really freak out, but of course Tommy would come back just in time for Adam's baby to be born and they'd reconcile, not looking at each other but at the tiny squirming bundle in Adam's arms.
But, uh. Besides this mini not!fic, there's not really a sequel in the works. I'm sort of considering writing an AU where Adam comes back after the Greymen attack and has to go track down what's left of his family, and he meets Tommy on the way. (I also thought about a prequel, but then I'd have to not have Tommy, and I couldn't make myself actually do it.)
Either way, I'd have to see if inspiration strikes. I think I expended all my Glambert energy on this fic, and now I need a little time to recoup before I have another go.
this pairing. Best of luck to you in the future.
Thank you! Hope you stick around.
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