Title: Mockingbird
bad_peppermintRating: PG
Pairing: Sam/John
Word Count: 2,137
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys.
Notes: Unbeta’d and written in the middle of the night (because my muse wants it so). All mistakes are mine. Feedback makes my world go round.
Warnings: Wincest! Spankings! (Probably.) Character Death! Sex! Not your cup of tea? Then don't touch
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Comments 29
I kinda feel bad about the whole 'Sammy without Dean'-thing after watching Mystery Spot.
Your writing is exceptional! It's fast and it flows and your characterizations are dead on! One of the things that makes fanfiction so good (when it is good like this is) is that you get see 'more' of a character and reading this makes me realize how hungry I am for more John.
I love how its AU but so closely follows the show. You've obviously know your stuff!
I can see how this is heading for a spanking, because spanking can serve as a reset. Sam is so withdrawn; he'd need something to shock him back into life. Reading this, I'm eager to see John bring Sam back to life and interact with him.
It's sad that Dean is gone, but I like just John and Sam together alone. When I write fic, I like it best when John is interacting with one or other of his boys.
I hope if you do decide to put spanking in it, that you'll post it at the spn_spankings comm (where I admit I co-mod ( ... )
First I like John saying "hallmark moment." It reflects on Dean's talking about 'chick-flick' moments
I totally did not notice that. Heh.
I love how its AU but so closely follows the show. You've obviously know your stuff!
Well, I am obsessed extremely procupied.^^
'kay, I'll go post this at the comms once I have a moment. *gathers courage*
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thank you so much for all your awesome comments! My name's Alex. Thanks for letting me know about the bad link, I fixed it and it should work now. I"d love to post at your comm and will check it out once I have the time. :)
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And on a more shallow note, I'm very sad Dean is dead because if there will eventually be spanking in this fic, I want Dean to get spanked too! Sammy gets all the fun toys.
Is it okay if I friend you?
Dean getting spanked is kinda rare, isn't it? He always seems to the one doing the spanking.
Yes, please do!
And it's not fair! How come everyone always makes Dean the spanker when he's oh so spankable? ...you can't tell at ALL who my favorite spankee is, can you? *g*
And excellent. You have been friended madam!
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