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xoheartinohioxo September 19 2015, 19:02:33 UTC
Okay, WOW :o These are just... gahhhh!! Every single one is gorgeous, I'm in awe of your talent. ♥ I saved all of them, will credit when used :)

My favorites... goodness, how do i narrow it down to anything less than all?? I'm particularly fond of:

Adoration, Summer Heat, Hold Me, Cursive Writing... oh my goodness, listen i do NOT like Suliet but you make me want to rock that icon <3 + Goodbye, Cat- 2, 3, & 5. && AC- 1, 2, & 5 ♥♥♥ But seriously, they are ALL so freaking perfect and i can't wait to use one!

Also, definitely going to check out the rest of your work <3


bad_numbers September 24 2015, 20:46:14 UTC
*jumps up and down* MY FELLOW LOSTIE! Thank you so much for commenting on my stuff, sweetie - that makes my darn day :) *hugs you tight* Your feedback absolutely makes me blush, so thank you SO MUCH for your kind words!


xoheartinohioxo September 25 2015, 02:28:00 UTC
FELLOW LOSTIE UNITE!!!! And not a problem at all honey ♥ You are such an amazing fanart maker, i was just scrolling through with my jaw on the floor, drooling at how much sheer perfection there was! *huggles you forever*


bad_numbers September 24 2015, 20:47:37 UTC
p.s. awwww, you don't like suliet? I kind of loved them, but then again, I kind of loved every damn coupling. LOL, I'M EASY WHEN IT COMES TO LOST :) To be honest, I kind of ship Jack and Sawyer with every combo they had, I even shipped them together, yum!


xoheartinohioxo September 25 2015, 02:22:39 UTC
Haha yeah, they are very firmly on my "Nooooope!" list :| I didn't always ship Jate either - at first i was just hardcore Skate [and Sun/Jin, Charlie/Claire, Rose/Bernard, etc.] and hated Jate simply because that's what a lot of other Skate fans i associated with did... but then i started my first rewatch and i actually gave them a fair chance. I took off my Skate glasses so to speak and really looked at Jate... that plus the fact that i had made some really good friends who were Jaters, it really changed my outlook on them. I realized that i had been immature to just write them off just because i ship Skate. I got to experience a whole new level of joy with the show by embracing their relationship, and i feel like i understand their characters even more because of that.

Haha sorry for rambling! I ship Jack with Kate, Juliet, Ana-Lucia & even Sawyer!
Sawyer with Kate & Jack, and i thought his hook-up with Ana-Lucia was definitely hot. I also AU ship Sawyer/Claire.


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