Seriously, get Art Bell on this shit

Oct 12, 2011 13:04

Ugh, randomly woke up at 3 am today with no hope of going back to sleep. On the plus side, it meant I had no reason not to make it in to morning meditation, which I have been woefully absent from lately. See, one day I was taking my usual long-acting insulin, thinking maybe I should even bump the dose up a notch, and then just 24 hours later my life became the 2 AM Hypos channel. Every. Fucking. Night! Why the sudden change in insulin needs? I blame the tides, and voodoo, and the government and also chemtrails. Anyway, I gradually dialed down to a much lower dose, which seems to be working okay, but that was a whole lot of missed sleep in there. I'm still not recovered.

I know we are supposed to approach zazen without desiring any certain outcome, but I do wish I could make it through one session of meditation without a whole leg falling asleep.

I went to Fargo last weekend with my mom to visit my sister (yay!) and see a comedy duo perform. I had worked crew on a road-trip movie they made with a local video production outfit; I was a high school freshman then. God, I'm old. Unfortunately, so are they. One of the members, in a very cliche "there goes that old guy rambling about the kids today" fashion, got off on a long political rant with no real jokes, and wasted a ton of time, and they didn't really perform very much overall. It was kind of a waste of money. And not like I really expected them to remember me, but I paid extra for a "meet and greet" which ended up being no different than if I'd waited around to say hi to them after the show (I thought there would be hanging out and chatting and stuff!) and they clearly had no memory of working with me AND no desire to reminisce about making that (admittedly pretty crappy) movie. C'est la vie.

I am finally breaking up with my specfic writing group. They're lovely people; it's just a big mismatch between what they like and look for and what I like and look for. I keep on swearing off, feeling a vaguely guilty "I should really go, be social, participate, not be so picky," attending the next month's meetup, and having an uncomfortable time. I've been doing this for months now and it is just plain silly.

I have developed an extremely mature and sensible habit of listening to old episodes of "Mike and Tom Eat Snacks" and then, provided the vending machine offers it, purchasing that week's snack. It's actually a lot of fun.

I haven't cracked open the possibly pickled garlic yet. It seems wrong to just, like, grab a handful and shove it in my face. But I'm not sure what one would eat it with. What goes well with pickled garlic?

the sugars!, writing, weekend, food

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