
Oct 01, 2011 21:59

Super-scalable Clafouti Recipe (borrowed from Mark's Daily Apple):
- start with the amount of eggs you want to eat
- for every 1 egg, mix in 1 T melted butter and 1 T cream/half and half/coconut milk; stir until frothy
- add whatever else you want to put in (meat/veg/spice for savory, fruit/sweetener/spice for desserty)
- pour into greased pie tin or muffin tin
- bake at 400 degrees F for 30-45 minutes
- nom like crazy

Morning blood sugar = 100

Appointment #1: 8:30 am

Ate: banana mini clafoutis, OMG YUM. I have been jonesing for these for ages, and finally, finally, somebody had eggs on sale. They're a baked egg concoction with an almost pastry-like crust, and I made this batch with fried banana and cloves and cinnamon and they were TO DIE FOR.
Insulin: 3 units + 1 basal
Afterwards: I feared it might be too much, but it was just exactly right.

Hiked for an hour and a half. Fun! I felt a little woozy going up the last hill, which was probably just fatigue, but I nommed a roll of Smarties anyway. My hiking partner, who organized the hike (I was the only other person to show up) had just been talking about how she worries when she organizes an event that something will go wrong and she'll be responsible for calling 911. I didn't want to keel over after that!

Post-hiking blood sugar = 109

Appointment #2: 12:00 pm

Ate: peanuts
Insulin: 0 units
Afterwards: a bit peckish. Not sure how much was legitimate and how much was psychosomatic "I exercised so I need fooooood"

2:00 --> 14 units Lantus

Appointment #3: 4:00 pm

Ate: broccoli + cheese + hot sauce, Smokehouse Almonds
Insulin: 0 units
Afterwards: that was not enough. I threw in the almonds at the last minute but still should have had more.

6:30 = 87 (wooooooo)

Appointment #4: 7:00 pm

Ate: eggs + beef wiener (hur hur hur) + salad + sausages + cream cheese + peanut butter + more cream cheese
Insulin: 1 unit
Afterwards: did somebody call for the bottomless pit? I could not get remotely full! I ate carefully, stopping often to give my satiety signals time to kick in. They were AWOL. Eventually, it settled down to a dull roar.

I hate this. I hate being hungry. I hate worrying that I'm eating past the insulin I've taken. I hate having the calorie counter running in my head on autopilot flashing TOO MUCH TOO MUCH before lunchtime. Maybe if I whine about it some more, that will help. *sigh* Either I'll adjust to this or I won't and I'll figure something else out. I don't have to worry about it today. So I won't!

Total daily insulin: 19 units

i eat it with my face, the sugars!, workout

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