guess what guys?
yeah so there, i went and voted. even though i told myself i wasn't going to, i did anyway. i guess its better to have a vote for something rather than to wake up tomorrow morning and say to myself damn it...i had an opinion on that why didn't i express it? besides, bush sucks. vote kerry!
i got 4 messages on the ol answering machine today. one was from hillary clinton, one was from some jamaican guy i couldn't understand worth a shit, one was from john kerry, and one was from bill clinton, but the recording must have jammed or something because it was more like a political remix: "Hello, this is Bill-bill-bill-bill-bill Cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-clinto, asking you to v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-ote demo-crat-t-t-t-t-t-t-t". either that or now the democratic party is trying to appeal to those of us with speech impediments. o_O
oh well. lets see if popular vote shall fail us again, or if we will see a president that we don't have to laugh at for the next four years.