i am dating a person. on thursday she moved into my apartment to live with me. she is in the other room studying as i type this.
she will never see this.
i don't even know if she knows what lj is. if we had met when i first started lj, she would have been 13. sometimes facts like that creep me out. i will be 30 in less than a little over a month. she will be 25 five days before that.
i told her i was in love with her while we were both high on ecstasy. her reaction could not have been more perfect, even if she had said it back (she didn't!). it filled me with a warmth i didn't know i had been missing from my life. later i thought i might never be happy again. i guess that's how coming down is, sometimes.
she makes me feel like not an adult. here is a good example! my roommate recently moved out and moved to hawaii. here is what our living room looked like before he moved out:
and here it is after she moved in, the next day:
she has a lot of stuff. i have no stuff. less than 24 hours after those pictures were taken, she had transformed it into this:
p.s. that's her studying.
she even helped make my bedroom into a not-disaster:
still won't make my bed though! never make it ever. putting the foot down for perpetual adolescence with that one.
i'm nervous that it won't work out. we had a fight last night, already. though it went pretty well, as far as fights go. i'm so needy. how did i become this person? it feels alien and hilarious and yet i am running with it, as fast as i can.
we have only been dating 4 months. already i feel like i would spend the rest of my life with her, no problem. i never thought this would be true of any person. i'm gross. kill me for being in love. i'm the worst.
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