Thanks everyone for your suggestions on the art topic request post I did a few days ago. Just reading them made me smile. And here are the pictures the topics spawned! Apparently I just needed to draw cute stuff and didn't know it.
A baby monkey for
dianagodessa A black pegasus for
mortisnightmare Dinosaurs for
labellelabete (I couldn't help myself with the Firefly reference even if the dinosaurs aren't the right species).
And because she requested it in person, the Reillory pups causing trouble for
jagienka. What they just painted purple is up to you all.
An added goodie too. I keep having images in my head for a baby ABC D&D board book in my head. Here's one of the sketches (or well the sketch that scanned the best as the paper I sketched on is getting impeached for being horrible):
And now to start working on school work. _-_