Wow, haven't had one of these in a long time

Jun 21, 2005 23:52

Yeah, it's actually an art post. Now, now, don't be too surprised. Finally got a lot of stuff scanned in, a bunch of it is rather old. Also got the sketches from the WB museum tour up. ^-^

First off, Sirius' bike which was a wonderful shade of baby blue. Yup, sparkly baby blue. *giggles* It's a Triumph Thunderbird T6 and the license plate is GDO 558. The little circles in the upper right hand corner is the dials and such on top of the bike between the handle bars.

Next, Cedric's rain quidditch uniform.

And now the scale of the Snuffles model and the odd porportions of him as well as Tom's prefect badge and the collar of Sirius' Azkaban coat.

And last of the sketches is the porportions of the Nimbus 2000 as well as an attempt at drawing Sprout's dragonhide gloves and Gilderoy's dueling shirt.

As an added silly bonus, the Draco my little pony I drew during the HP_LA meetup at the Grove. ^-^ He isn't too pleased at his perdicament.

And now onto the real art. Or attempts at it. _-_

I did this one awhile ago, but don't think I ever scanned it in. My attempt at making a dress Auror's uniform. Mostly inspired by watching FullMetal Alchemist too much. ^-^ Michael's head came out a little too big, but oh well.

She's finally done. What I've been working on in the free time I had this weekend and tonight. The brocade on her underdress didn't come out as I wanted it, but oh well. I like it. ^-^

Of course, after talking about the screwed up porportions of PoA's Snuffles, I prove that I can't draw wolf porportions either. My attempt to do a character study of Moony. Well, my Moony. Can tell that I'm more used to drawing horses than canines. but I like some of the face studies.

More of the animal studies. This is Michael's lion form. Didn't get around to finishing any facial studies though.

Arg, I knew I saw missing one. Here's the last of the artwork.

The Sprite my little pony that I did for fun. ^-^ Been sitting in my sketch book for awhile too, but finally inked and colored him.

And that's it. Hopefully will do an actual life update soon as got lots to talk about. But for now, I'm off to go to bed and read my chapter of Lemony Snicket for the night. ^-^

my little pony, michael, artwork, sketches, costume, kat

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