"So I'm told," Mal replies, trying to play off being surprised at her appearance on his ship, "But I ain't ever seen the appeal in it. If you want the tea, I can put it back on..."
"Kaylee and Inara both, I think." Letting Death leave the teabag on the counter and flipping the teapot back on, Mal leads his guest to the kitchen table while waiting for the water to come to a boil.
"Again with the me forgetting things - I'll have to ask Kaylee 'bout the story on those cups. We've had 'em for quite awhile."
The teapot goes off; Mal stands to pour the water into Her cup, bringing over the rum separately and setting them both in front of her.
"Not that I'm sayin' I didn't miss an honest brawl a couple days ago that I'm sure went down somewhere, and I'd love to not be in the ruttin' Core anymore, but I can't complain at the moment."
Going to cross his legs under the table, Mal slams his knee into the table leg by accident and he curses loudly.
Mal does have questions. He thinks he does, anyway.
He doesn't ask them, when She is smiling at him like that. A smile Mal translates as both the woman that made sure he ended up in a bed the night Inara left Serenity, and something he's never truly felt afraid of in his life.
He smiles, and for as much as Mal's not saying at the moment, it's pretty eloquent.
"You know, rum goes surprisingly well with tea."
"Did Kaylee get these? They're pretty."
There's flowers on it. And small sparkly bits.
Oh, look, there's even a small sparkly flower painted on the bottom! Death approves.
"That'd be nice. Oooh, hold on, I think I've got some here..." She pets her pockets, and comes out with a packet of lavender Earl Grey.
"Again with the me forgetting things - I'll have to ask Kaylee 'bout the story on those cups. We've had 'em for quite awhile."
"Seems like quite a Kaylee sort of mug. Tell her I said hi. If it won't scare her, that is."
She looks up at him.
"How've you been?"
It's a serious question.
Rutting Milliways.
"Is it cheating if I don't say one way or t'other?" Mal asks, trying for a joke. Pausing afterward, he sips at his straight liquor.
"Better. Surprisingly...better."
"Not that I'm sayin' I didn't miss an honest brawl a couple days ago that I'm sure went down somewhere, and I'd love to not be in the ruttin' Core anymore, but I can't complain at the moment."
Going to cross his legs under the table, Mal slams his knee into the table leg by accident and he curses loudly.
She takes her tea and cradles the cup, savoring the smell, and almost sloshes on herself when Mal cracks the table.
"Careful! Jeez, you big silly, don't you know your own table?"
It's concerned, rather than mocking.
That'll be a bruise later.
"Y'know," he chuckles nervously, "One would think so. 'Pparently my memorizing of furniture is somewhat lacking."
She takes the rum, and pours a sensible amount into her tea.
"Y'know... I still have to have a word with War."
"Will it do any good?"
A pause.
"Not mine, either, when it comes to that."
There's a lopsided sort of smile.
"You are your very own, Malcolm Reynolds."
(Yeah. We win.)
Mal puts down his cup slowly, looking to his guest in unabashed astonishment, saying nothing.
She's beaming.
Serving her is too heavy a burden for him.
He doesn't ask them, when She is smiling at him like that. A smile Mal translates as both the woman that made sure he ended up in a bed the night Inara left Serenity, and something he's never truly felt afraid of in his life.
He smiles, and for as much as Mal's not saying at the moment, it's pretty eloquent.
"Thank you, miss."
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