New update for the new year

Jan 01, 2011 21:29

Ok, so here's the thing.....

Thought I should put SOMETHING here on the on the basis that I haven't posted in something just this side of FOREVER and in case anyone is still reading this, I felt there should be yet another explanation for my absence.

Mental health issues have decided to flare up again, and this time I have been diagnosed as a bipolar depressive (much more interesting than the conventional monochromatic edition) and put on some lovely pills that give me headaches and outbreaks of a skin condition. Lovely. So, as an upshot of the past few months, writing anything reasonably journal-worthy went out of the window as I have been very busy ostracizing all of my friends, shouting at inanimate objects and crying a lot. The postivie side of bipolar is that I have, however, got loads of cleaning done due to sudden and highly motivated urges to move the furniture around and go on tidying binges around the flat. Most of these consist of tearing everything in the room to pieces and starting it again from scratch. Exhausting, but extremely rewarding, mostly because I found the remote control. What little writing has been done has been a return to the realms of fanfiction (mostly Doctor Who and related RPS, yes I am a very bad person, but if you don’t like it, tough) and trying to get my head around a few vaguely profitable original ideas on the side.

So, if I haven’t spoken to you for a while it’s probably because I couldn’t get my head around what to say, or just couldn’t deal with human communication at all on that day. Or any other. Or couldn’t get out of bed.

Fortunately, the pills do now seem to be working and the world is a tad less scary and horrible. I have also finally stopped scaring my father by phoning him up every week with another new and ludicrous story about what I am going do with my life and could he please give me some money so I can go and do it. My friends no longer want to punch me and I’ve been getting up before lunchtime on the down days and getting to bed before five on the up days. Life is good.

Today I built a computer. And it even worked. Almost.

writer's block

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