An update about last Monday, so
ricoquixote can decide whether it went well or not.
Things I liked
- I met Alisa.
- We booked our tickets to Paris.
- I found out that I can drop a few of my classes, free of charge.
- It did look fairly like spring to begin with.
- Wrote a couple of letters which I think that sounded fairly good.
- Got a ride home.
Things that could have gone better
- I waited two hours in order to speak with someone.
- ... only to find out that I really didn't need to speak with them. And I told them something I'd rather wouldn't have.
- I still don't know whether I could actually drop my language course.
- The weather decided to try and go back to winter. That means sleet.
- The tea shop didn't have the tea I wanted. Neither of them actually.
- I was incredibly tired all day (that's what happens when one doesn't sleep in the night).
- Fell asleep practically when I got home. Forgetting to do all of my homework and whatnot. O well.
- Didn't see Star Trek (hah) nor the second part of a series I quite like.
So... what do you think?
Todays good news are that I'll probably be getting my computer back soon. Been three months without it. Going on fourth. Ah...