no way noble

Mar 07, 2014 13:30

How ironic. Those "peaceful" protesters who overthrew the government (over some dubious policy it did not endorse to their liking) failed to do their homework properly impeaching the legitimate (whatever his percieved flaws) incumbent. This makes the new power construct "undemocratic" (euphemism for "criminal") and whatever relations with it illegal and punishable with respect to international law (and all laws). Это по сути означает то, что с точки зрения международных законов, к которым все вдохновенно апеллируют, нет никакой разницы -- вводить войска или вступать с псевдо-правительством в переговоры, соглашаясь с ним по всем пунктам (соучаствуя в преступлении и на самом деле актуализируя его). оба варианта представляются нарушением суверенитета Украины, покушением на её конституцию, надругательством над принципом невмешательства...

"This constitutional oversight puts the interim government in legal limbo as the bills that are currently being signed into law by acting President Turchynov are not carrying any constitutional authorization. This problem of legitimacy also undermines Kiev’s dealings with foreign governments, as the government appointed by Turchynov does not represent the de jure official government of Ukraine. As such, foreign governments who are willfully recognizing and thereby trying to confer international legitimacy upon the interim government in Kiev, are indeed breaking international law by violating (1) the sovereignty of Ukraine and the law of the land (constitution), (2) the principle of non-interference, (3) and the practice of non-government recognition."

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