Mar 07, 2013 21:21
Hi everyone,
I bought my Kenner on 11 November 2012. She has some common Kenner's problem like torso crack, frizzy hair and missing a few eyelashes but over all, she is in very good condition.
I asked my friend in blythe community who I should send my Kenner to be fixed up. She suggested Rebecca (aka Squirrel Junkie) to me. Since I trust my friend, I email Rebecca right away WITHOUT checking Bad Dolly Deal before hand! Rebecca replied all my emails very fast and she sounds so professional. She said to me she WILL let me know when my Kenner arrived at her house. And she said "Right now my wait time is pretty open. I am just finishing up a few girls here...timing is good! So when ever you wanted to mail me yours it would be perfect. :)"
-Then I send my Kenner to Rebecca on 16 November 2012. After that day, I haven't heard anything from Rebecca anymore. I keep sending her emails asking whether my Kenner arrived yet. But no response, I was trying to be calm and patient because it was over Christmas as well.
- Anyway, she didn't reply to me until 12 January 2013 with the excuse she is sick which I trust her and sent her emails hoping she will feel better soon. And then I haven't heard back from her until 14 Feb 2013.
- During 12 Jan 2013 and 14 Feb 2013, I sent several emails asking her if she could send me back my Kenner and how upset I was with her lack of communication and bad dolly deal history. This is what she replied on 14 Feb "I'm am finally feeling better. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I had some complications from the pneumonia meds that in some ways made me worse than the illness. I will get back to you soon after I take pics, finally, again so sorry! I did not expect for all this to happen when I said I could restore your girl.
And that was the last reply I got from her until now 7 March.
I'm worry sick right now because I keep asking her to return my doll. I will pay for shipping but she wouldn't reply or wouldn't send me back my doll.
I have to post it here at the last resource hoping this situation can resolve like the first Bad Dolly Deal she has and the owner receive the doll back.
I made it very clear to her that I DO NOT WANT her to fix my Kenner anymore and wanted the doll back but I haven't receive any email response yet.
So if you consider sending your doll to Rebecca, maybe you should keep in mind that she is not very communicative especially after she got the doll.
The thing that make me feel so misleaded was that she responsed so fast when I asked if she could fix my Kenner. Saying she doesn't have much work so she can start on my girl soon.
squirrel junkie! bluesime85