The Interview Entry

Oct 17, 2004 22:34

After much prodding, I've decided to publish the transcript from an interview that Jonas did with me for some journalism project.


20 Questions with Cristi Fraser
Words by Jonas Wright

1. Why are you so nice all the time?
I'm not. I'm just friends with assholes so it makes me look better.

2. Why are you so emotionally cold?
I was dropped on my head as a baby.

3. At first when people meet you, you seem really serious. But you're actually one of the funniest people I know. You're great at pointing out other people's manarisms that make them funny. Name one:
I just started noticing how much Corson plays with his balls. I think he might be a poff.

4. Didn't you go to school with that guy from The Notebook?
Yeah, Ryan Gossling was in my high school for like a year or two. Before his Breaker High days. I thought he was cute, but we never like talked or anything. I did use his old cuaderno in grade 11 spanish though.

5. What did you eat for breakfast?

Ah, the breakfast of champions. Did you wash it down with a cola?
No, that would be gross and unhealthy. I have standards you know.

6. Why are you so hyper all the time?
I've got issues.

7. Word Association time!!!
Jonas --> Idiot
Idiot --> You
DC Schoes --> Danny Way
Danny Way --> Vert
Vert --> California
California --> Laziness
Laziness --> Taj
Taj --> Idiot

8. So why did you decide to start skating again?
Every so often I get bitten by the bug to go out and skate a mini or something. It happens like every year or two. There are a lot of pretty good parks in the area so it's fun to go skating again, especially since everyone seems to be back from hiatus. I'm in really bad shape though so I'll hurt myself soon enough and not get on another skateboard for like another year again. It's like a machocistic thing... sucker for punishment.

10. What tricks are you working on?
Uhm pushing without falling over from exhaustion. Thats the big one right now. That and my Primo Stalls. They're looking pretty sweet. (laughs uncontrollably)

11. What is the capital of the USA?

12. In what state?
I don't fucking know! Virginia? Maryland? Philadephia?

13.If you could date any guy, who would it be?
I wouldn't date anyone. Men are all crapbags.

14. What animal would you be?
I'd be a badger. For those of you who know me, the reasons are obvious.

15. What actress do you see as playing you in the movie about your life?
Jonas, I'm getting bored. Can we go watch Trading Spaces???

16. Whats the most obscure name you can think of?
Ethle Merman

17. Who's going to win the Superbowl this year?
I don't care. I hate football.

18. You don't hate me do you?
Give it time.

19. Are you the smartest person we hang around with?

20. Why do you have such a big head?
I don't. I'm just honest. Why, do you think you're smarter than me? You called me a few weeks ago asking whether a lemming was a monkey or a bird.

21. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hey, this is supposed to be 20 questions.

I know, but you didn't answer the actress one.
Okay, I'll go back and answer that one. I'd want Angelina Jolie to play me because she's hot and pretty insane. I'm insane too. It wouldn't be that big of a stretch for her. Now can I go watch Trading Spaces

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