(no subject)

Aug 05, 2009 17:02

things you didn't know because you've never heard any of this mentioned in the major controlled media, probably never thought about them, don't have the prerequisite knowledge to even understand them or are just too apathetic to care. But here goes:

1) Al Queda and the Taliban are creations of the CIA. They are controlled by US and British intelligence for the purposes of demonizing the islamic nations, cultures and practices, to isolate them from the world community and to cause them to remain in the 7th century thus assuring that the western anglo american establishment and banking oligarchs may continue to rape the respective countries targeted by these false flag "movements" such as Al Queda and the Taliban. (Divide and Conquer)

2) Another purpose of the creation of the Taliban by US intelligence is to so completely and thoroughly terrorize their own population of Afghanistan so that these people REACT against at least the most extreme forms of Islamism and eventually against islamism in general. And although it is not likely that the people of afghanistan will ever fully reject Islam, there are enough to guarantee division and infighting for many decades to come. This technique of Subversion and Insurgency is called in military terminology "Low Intensity Operations" It is the same technique that the right wing extremists use to control the left - they simply infiltrate, pose as them and then begin the process of subverting and undermining from the inside. (Divide and Conquer)

3) The Taliban practiced the most extreme forms of sharia law - cutting hands off for petty theft, closing schools for women, requiring women to wear burkas in public. etc. (Control Through Fear) This causes "helpful waves of indignation" and shows islamism to be repugnant to most peoples. This has been the technique of infiltration since the beginning of the Intelligence services. Present them with the most extreme instances of themselves and cause tension and division requiring our intervention. (Order out of Chaos)

4) The people of Afghanistan have NO IDEA where the Taliban emerged from. (A completely covert operation)

5) Outside of the shadowy Mulla Omar there is ZERO information regarding the structure and membership of the Taliban. (Because if the people of Afghanistan discovered that the most extreme form of Islamism was in fact a tool by western imperialists the whole caper would be over)

6) In the Taliban's 2001 offer to turn over Osama Bin Ladin to the US if the US could prove his guilt, they demonstrate that even the highest ranking "officials" of the Taliban are unaware of the organizations creators and controllers being the western imperialists. (A very simple task - no Taliban fighter has the levels of knowledge to know who paid for the gun in his hand and who gives the orders)

7) Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) supports the Taliban with a massive infusion of weaponry and ideological support and safe haven.

8) Pakistani Intelligence is a COMPLETE AND TOTAL ORGAN of the CIA.

9) Pakistani Intelligence was created and controlled by the CIA for multiple purposes, mostly in order to maintain a secular government in Pakistan because it would be disastrous to have a fundamentalist islamic state in control of the nuclear aresnal of Pakistan. President Musharraf was a puppet of the US oligarchs controlled by these oligarch's private army - the CIA.

10) Therefore the United States is fighting a war against itself in Afghanistan.

11) The purpose of fighting a war against oneself is multi-fold. By fighting a war against oneself, one can reap massive private fortunes on the weapons sales to both sides. This is always the primary reason for modern western powers to wage war, weapon's sales by the elite. The other reason is to mire the target country so deeply in chaos that it becomes a simple matter to come in as the policeman and "help" the situation. In this case the word help means pipeline deals for caspian basin oil to the west and to prevent pipelines to russia and or china.

every single one of these facts can be verified by a simple google search coupled with a normally functioning critical capacity. best wishes...

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