I'm undeadable, fool.
So, after randomly IMing Sommiekins.. I was suddenly smacked in the ass with the thought of updating my livejournal. So here we are. It's not like I have anything particularly interesting to say.. or any news to report.. but sometimes you jsut feel like writing shit down and forcing people to read through word after word of complete and utter retardedness. This is where you come in. ;).. enjoy.
I'd like to take a moment to talk about VD. Valentines Day, duh. No way I'd sit here and discuss something along the lines of HIV with you guys. That's too much for even me.
Back to my point. I've noticed that some people seem to get overly depressed around VD (snort). There is no reason to be depressed around VD. Unless of course your mother died in a tragic VD Card accident and if so you have my deepest sympathy.. but that's all you'll have you communist bastard. Around VD people seem to be well... emotionally suckified. THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT!
VD is the one holiday that you can eat chocolate out of a fucking heart. CHOCOLATE... out of a HEART. Are you reading this? In fact, reread that last sentence twice. Good, let's continue. On VD if I were eating.. chocolate out of a fucking heart.. everyone would be all, "That guy is pretty cool." That doesn't work all the time. You can't go around eating chocolate out of fucking hearts on every other day of the year. If I were eating chocolate out of a fucking heart on, say, Father's Day.. everyone would be all, "Yo, that guy is on the verge of being definitely uncool." You see? VD makes eating chocolate out of a fucking heart.. cool. It's like magic.
And if someone didn't get YOU a heart full of chocolate... stfu. Stop being such a greedy little bitch. They obviously made a financial decision.. and made the RIGHT one might I add. Chocolates in fucking hearts aren't as cheap as they should be. Who wants to spend 5 grand so someone ELSE can eat chocolate out of a fucking heart and look cool? Nobody, that's who. If you want chocolate out of a fucking heart so bad, YOU go, and YOU buy yourSELF one. You have legs, damnit. Stop being such a bum.
So that's my opinion on VD. So... be happy about VD.
Oh, and tomatoes are like the awkward new guy of the fruit world. Even the fucking banana gets to pick on him. Loser.
I had to type this twice btw.. the first version kicked so much more ass. :(