During this election's Democratic primaries, Clinton surrogate Geraldine Ferraro trotted out the ridiculous claim that Obama was "
lucky to be black." She suggested that racial minority status of itself gave Obama an advantage with the electorate. That was and is false on its face: racism is alive and well throughout the US in varying degrees, and
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Now CNN is spending all morning, every day talking about the Bradley Effect, repeatedly suggesting that despite the polls, Americans might just not vote for a darkie once in the privacy of the booth (but to their credit,they've had Doug Wilder on to say it might work the other way.) It all seems like prep for the third round of republican election fraud...the big one. So, if Obama is ahead in all the polls, far ahead, double digits ahead of Captain Insanity and the Woman in the Glass Bubble, (the glass ceiling has just been molded into a glass bubble around her) and the the rebubs "miraculously" win, then the media can say its because, despite what they say on the telephone to a machine or stranger, the American voter just isn't comfortable with a black president.
It is really freaking me out.
It all started with David Gergin...who suddenly announced, "I don't think he can win..because he's black." (paraphrase.)
Why not say, i don't think he'll win becasue the Rebublicans still have control over the digital voting technology.
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