It appears I have not posted in quite some time, and for the few who actually check my LJ, I apologize. Many things have been occuring in the humble life of I, and things such as updating have been unfortunately left out of what has transpired these past few weeks. Here are some delicious and funny pictures from the past coupla weeks or so since I have updated:
went surfing in Port A with Syd, Josh, Jenna, and Heather. I stood up twice. Go me!
After a particularly muddy soccer game against the best team in our league. They had over 45 shots on me, and only five went in. Not too shabby!
Me and Grady at good ol' Tejano Country. May it remain open for eternity.
This is a freakin scary ass viking lady who was keeper for a team we played against. It hurt my soul to look at her, and it was even scarier when you came close enough to try to take a shot on her. I did, however, want to bury my face in her delicious golden ringlets...
Words we should all hold close to our hearts, and never, ever forget.
Have a wonderful week :)