Okay, so basically I had an extremely awesome night.
Waited in line at the theater because I didn’t have anything better to do for two hours, and was first in line. When he came in, he walked right past me. Fangirl Attack #1.
Went into the theater. Sold out show! He introduced it, gave us a few things to watch for, and then they put on the movie. We all laughed and clapped along.
When he came back on, he said we were a fantastic audience. He originally was only going to stay for the first ten minutes of the movie and then come back, but he liked our reactions so much he stayed for the whole thing.
Following was an interview, and then some Q&A. Learned about the sketch that the BBC wouldn’t let them air during the show - the wee wee sketch.
Some of my favorite quotes of the night (paraphrased a bit) :
“Every time I got dressed up in drag, I thought I looked just like my mother!”
“Looking back, Graham is the only Python who isn’t acting. With these groups, there needs to be someone who’s just being themselves.”
And favorite character he’s played? The lady in the Spam diner. Spam spam spam spam spam…
He stuck around afterward for a signing. I was shaking like mad when I got closer. Fangirl attack #2. I told him the following as he signed my Holy Grail DVD:
“I can’t even tell you how much your work has meant to me. You’ve made me laugh and think…I’m just really grateful.”
He seemed really flattered, said “Oh, thank you!” and patted my arm. Got my picture with him. Fangirl attack #3.
Got home around 10:30. Went to bed around 11:30, very happy.
Here are some photos: