You want to be in a movie?

May 23, 2006 18:24

As any frequent read of this LJ spot would know, I am currently inolved in the exciting process of making a movie. It is a mockumentary (like Spinal Tap or The Office) about wrestling.

Anyway, we film over nine days in the middle of June. On two of those days, Monday, June 12 and Friday, June 16, we'll be filming live wrestling scenes in front of a live audience. So, naturally, we need to fill the buildings with extras who want to come out, have a lot of fun, see a bit of wrestling and be in a movie. The details of the two shooting days are below:

* Monday, June 12, 4 pm, Russian Community Center at 2114 West 4th Avenue in Kitsilano. We need about 150 extras to fill the building. Because in the film the wrestling show is taking place at a Catholic high school, we ask that everybody wear "dress clothes" (collared shirts and ties) if possible. Please, no clothing with logos or pictures.
* Friday, June 16, 1 pm, Alice Mackay Building on the Cloverdale Fairgrounds (176 Street between Number 10 Highway and 64th Avenue). We're actually filming two different shows that day: the first is the show to open the movie, where the building is less full and the atmosphere is less charged--we'll be filming this one in the afternoon with mostly friends and family in the audience; the second is the big show to end the movie, so there needs to be at least 500 people in the building, and there needs to be a lot of energy. So even if you can't make it in the afternoon, feel free to come by for the evening. We're going to serve pizza to everybody in attendance, and we're planning on having some door prizes too. Again, no clothing with logos or pictures. Feel free to bring your flash cameras to add to the atmosphere.

Feel free to forward this to anybody who you think might be interested.

If you think you might come out to one or both of the shows, please let me know so that I can make sure that you are kept informed of the times and dates and all tha jazz.

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