(no subject)

May 24, 2006 14:55

so, good news, maybe, but no really good news.

The EIA test wont' be back until Thursday, or Friday, Rodeffer called, and that's what they told him.
The other lab work shows:
1)no parasites, of any kind
2) no EPM markers
3) slightly elevated white count
4) low red count
5) -which means/she is anemic, and I have to put her back on Lixotinic.

Which means....there's only one test left to get the results of.
But, he said there's not enough other stuff out of whack to lead him to believe it is EIA. he said," The differential neither confirms, or denies that it is EIA, but logically, with her not having been anywhere, I wouldnt' worry...but we wont' know for sure til we get those results back. But I wouldnt' worry, really, Steph, jsut keep throwing feed at her, at this point, and watch for new symptoms."
Which basically means "we haven't got a clue what it could possibly be..."

which means we're joining the ranks of so many others in NC, whose horses are turning into skin, and bones, with no viable reason.

medical care, bo*berry

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