May 18, 2005 17:04
Ok, so new prob, in the "Bo*Berry saga" lol...I got her new bit in, today (I couldn't find a four inch snaffle -or any 4" bit, in a four county area, or my catalogs! I had to go to a pony supply place, online) anyway, I had assumed her problem with all the other bits we tried was that they were just TOO big for her...but, that doesn't seem to be the case. She absolutely abhorrs, and detest having a bit -no, she is NOT a candidate for a hackamore- ...I mjean, to the point I'm afraid she's going to get her tongue OVER the bit. Any ideas on getting her used to it? I mean, getting her to accept in her mouth is ridiculously easy -she all but takes it out of your hand, for you...but, she doesn't like having it in her mouth.
I was thinking of lunging her with the bit -no reins, jsut headstall, and halter- and seeing if I could acclemate her to it, slowly...any suggestions? The more, the merrier, b/c I'll prob. have to try a few things, to figure out what will work, for her...and, she was worse, withthe copper bit, than with a metal please?