Pure Horse, Pure Power.

Nov 06, 2005 20:39

[EDIT: If the thingo says bandwidth exceeded, you can see: http://photobucket.com/albums/v711/bgotrip/]

AS mentioned in my post yesterday, the rest of my pictures:

It's a kind of magic...

[The General]

[such straight, straight hair... maybe I should cut it and make it a wig for myself.]

[The hair. I have such wild and wacky hair. I hate it. Gen looks... weird...]

[My mother with her horse, Bandera. We are afraid he has tendonitis or something like that, since he has LONG pasterns and has been lame, etc etc.]

We then visited the girls (the mares; Izzy and Misty)

[My mare, Misty's tummy. She is pregnant; 9 months in fact! Doesn't look too big.]

[She was mad because I didn't have any food for her. :( ]

[She heard the rustle of plastic, and thought it was food. She was disappointed afterwards and faced her butt to me.]

[I was wondering if she was so angry that she'd fart in my face--I was a little closer--but she didn't. Whew.]

[Her tummy was peeking out in the right side more than the left side. LOL.]

[My sister and her mare, Izzy]

[Izzy wasn't as mad at the lack of any food as Misty was. But we found a quarter crack in her hoof, so she is stealing some of Gen's supplement for now.]

[Misty forgave me, but is still insisting I have food when I don't.]

[So she turned to "graze" on what little grass there was...]

[Damn roof.]

[Would've been a nice shot of her eye, but the stupid fly ruined it. :( ]

[The stormy clouds that afternoon we visited them.]

[The mountains near there stable, sort of blocked by trees]

The next day I woke up to more storm clouds. An hour later, it was clearing up. Yay!

[View outside my bedroom window in Baguio.]

Got to the park and found this:

[Kentucky beside a cool make shift feed bin and water pipe. Oooh.]

[Gen wearing Bandera's halter, making Bandera "The General" (he has a name plate on his nice purple neoprene lined halter)]

[Smelling the CLEAN ground before he took a crap on it. I swear, he and Kentucky can sure as hell cover the ground in poop in .0000000273 seconds. It's disgusting. LOL.]

[Patiently waiting for Jus to give me the carrot bag.]

[Still looking and waiting for her...]

[Turning away in boredom...]

[Getting kind of sleepy now...]

[*big ass yawn*]

[(notice big eyes) wha? Wha? What did I miss? Carrots?]

[Oh... nothing... *yawn*]

[Gen had finally come to realize he wouldn't be getting any carrots anytime soon. *mumbles about sisters being slow*]

[Cute butt!]

After lunch we visited the girls, and this is what we saw:

[Izzy and Misty eating]

[Misty was eating near the cliffside so I ran up to her (pretty hard, btw) and grabbed her lead rope (which was trailing after her... she doesn't run off) and pulled her to "safety"--she actually just followed me after a while, since I had bread]

[She got distracted by the drunk man talking to me about her being really big and fat]

[Patiently waiting for more bread. She eats like a pig.]

[I had no more, so she turned to the mountainside]

[And slowly walked to Izzy.]


[Going back to the cliffside, but I called her away..]

[Green thing on her tail... Wasn't sure if it was a grasshopper or praying mantis.]

We went back to the park (to the boys):

[I wasn't doing anything, so I decided to groom Gen. He doesn't groom well with a halter (we have no cross-ties either), so I put on his bridle.]

[I was wondering if he looked better without a noseband. Then he almost bit me. And then I told him I was never going to groom him thoroughly again. He was elated.]

The next day we went to Marlboro Trail. The next few pics were taken in the rest spot.

[The wind was blowing oh-so-nicely]

[Buktot with the backpack, Jus on Kentucky.]

[Before rolling]



[He has a hard time rolling over. He didn't know how until he was 5--he's 6 now.]

[Kentucky staring off into the distance]

[Kentucky munching]

[Mountains in the distance]



[Bandy + View]

[Bandy pretending to be a wild horse--he gets to roam around without anything, even if there's no fence. That's coz he's such a good stallion.]

[Staring off into the distance]


[Find Gen!]

[Kentucky grazing...]

[Kentucky looking like an angel (he is SO not!)]

[We got back to the park and fed the boys some carrots.]

[He didn't want them after a while.]

[This is my neice, whom I took riding afterwards.]

We then went back to the girls, to check out the site of our stable and paddocks.

[That is the land. It's really scary from this angle. Haha. But it's pretty okay. It's not wide, but it's LOOOOONG.]




[We went to Country Club Trail. This is Lamstrong. We spray-painted his mane, tale, forelock, and butt. He was a very good boy.]

[My sister didn't know what to put on his butt... she started making something, then she made a mistake. Haha. So she just made it into a smiley.]

[I love love love his color.]

[View from the trail]



[View/Gen's ears]

[Interested in something...]

[Eating pine needles. LOL.]

When we got back to the park, we fed the horses carrots and we watched Brave Star die...

[He saw Royal King, one of his crushes. I have a bisexual horse, if I didn't say so before.]


[horse's way of shrugging.]

[a bit miffed.]

[This was in the morning; Buktot stretching Kentucky since he has this lumpy thing on his knees.]

[This horse is Mindanao.]

[The horse walking is Boo. I want to buy him, but he is not for sale. Yet. Mwahahaha.]

[Boo in the line up. He is such a cutie. He is very naughty, but then he'll let you do anything to him.]

[This is Ulila/Kabunyan being ridden by my cousin. Ulila (which means orphan. Don't ask me why that is his name) is the sire of my foal to be. And the foal, regardless whether it is a boy or a girl, will be named either of the ff: Fool's Hope, Hope's Fire, Alecto, or Foolish Pleasure. What is nicest? Of course, it WILL be easier when the foal is running around on the earth already.]

[Manong Scott (Sir Scott in english) with his horse, Little Rock. Little Rock is the son of Brave Star, who died last thursday of colic. :( ]

[Little Rock and part of Brave Star.]

Dial up, beware. Many pics.


the general

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