After reading the link
fiesta831 provided about trail safety and preparedness, it made me think about my trail first aid kit. I don't do much riding out in the back country (though I'd like to!), but I still think it's important to carry an emergency kit when riding. I'm not always good about packing an entire kit because I don't keep one completely assembled--I need to though! However, I always carry a hoof pick and a knife, lots of water, and a bit of food.
A friend of mine has quite the extensive kit and I need to take after her example. Some of the things she carries include:
* Emergency blanket
* Hoof pick
* Knife
* Tin cup and bullion cubes
* Vet wrap
* Aspirin
* Flashlight
* Sterile pads
* Wire cutters
* Fire starter
She has one of those saddle pads with pockets on either side. Her entire kit fits easily into those two pockets.
What things do you all carry?