USAD Business Plan

Mar 13, 2008 21:38

USDA's "Business Plan" USDA Business Plan

It calls for "Harmonization" of existing sytems that already use "individual" identification. Harmonization involved changing the existing program so they use the NAIS compliant AINs.

As part of its "harmonization strategy", USDA proposes having breed registries begin using AINS. (Page 55 of the plan)

The AIN is a 15 digit internally unique identification number. It starts with "840" which identifies the animal as coming from the US (plan, pg. 30)

In order to get an AIN under NAIS, you have to register your property (Premise Registration).

So, if breed registries were to require NAIS-AIN's, this would effectively FORCE their members to comply with the first two (2) stages of NAIS in one fell swoop.

(Ever feel that AQHA, APHA, etc are selling out their members????? And the horses???????)

USDA says it is voluntary:
"Participation in NAIS is voluntary at the Federal level. (How about the STATE level???) NAIS provides the opportunity for producers that are not part of a disease program to freely participate in national animal health safeguarding efforts. (See page 3 of the User Guide)"

USDA is utilizing seven (7) strategies.

Strategy 1: Prioritize NAIS Implementation by Species/Sectors The establishment of priorities among species and sectors within specific industries will ensure resources are applied where improvement in traceability is needed the most.
This business plan first categorizes species based on existing tracing capabilities and the need for improvement. Tier 1 species include the
primary commercial food animal industries – cattle, poultry (chickens and turkeys), swine, sheep, and goats. Additionally, horses that, when moved, require either a test for Equine Infectious Anemia or a health certificate, are also included in Tier 1. All other livestock and poultry are Tier 2. Additionally, sectors within the Tier 1 species have been prioritized for additional emphasis; for example, the beef and dairy breeding herds are the highest priorities within the cattle sector.

Strategy 2: Harmonize Animal Identification Systems Harmonizing animal identification systems will undoubtedly result in more costeffective options that benefit producers while achieving increased animal disease traceability for the entire industry. Today, numerous existing disease control programs require and/or benefit from official animal identification. In addition, in the private sector, producers are seeking improved and flexible identification methods, and compatible processes and data standards that can
be used for multiple purposes. The value of harmonizing animal identification in government and industry programs is more evident now than ever before and presents a clear opportunity to enhance traceability.

Strategy 3: Standardize Data Elements of Disease Programs to Ensure Compatibility USDA will take steps to standardize data elements in existing disease programs, including international/interstate commerce regulations. For example, incorporating a consistent data format that identifies premises importing and exporting livestock, locations participating in official disease control programs, and origin and destination premises listed on Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI) will greatly enhance animal disease tracing and emergency response capabilities.

Strategy 4: Integrate Automated Data Capture Technologies with Disease Programs
USDA will take steps to integrate electronic data capture and reporting technologies into existing disease programs. By using NAIS-compliant
identification devices that support automated data capture technology and integrating handheld computers/readers to replace paper-based forms, animal health officials will be able to electronically record and submit essential data to
the USDA Animal Health and Surveillance Monitoring database and other appropriate animal health databases. The electronic collection of data will
increase volume and quality, minimize data errors, and speed data entry into a searchable database.

Not gonna take up more space here - go to the link above and you can read the entire Business Plan.

Ready to turn your horses, your business and your life over to the Government and have them dictate every move you make????????

Time to stop the USDA in it's tracks and take American Agriculture back from International pressure and attempted manipulation.

(Yeah, I'm PO'd and then some. Guess if it comes down to it I'll declare my horses dead and terminate my membership with AQHA, APHA and AHA. I don't need to be a member of any organization which doesn't give a rats a&& about the members!)

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