justbeingaqueen and
couturejournoWhat: All these sides of me
Where: Neuroscience Unit, Mount Sinai
When: Around the time of
THISThe padded bench along the wall just along the from the water cool was probably intended to be comfort, made for lengthy periods of sitting, but to Kurt, it felt like he was sitting on a rock hard cold slab. He had his arms crossed tightly over
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She remained close to Kurt's side, keeping close to him as she'd told Elliott she would. There wasn't much she could do to help, but she would stick by him and do the best she could to be there for him if he needed help, even if help was only sitting there in silence and letting him deal with things on his own in perfect silence. Blaine was so sick, and if she were an addict, and that were a person she loved lying there without any memory of her, she couldn't say she wouldn't be wanting to get her addictive substance into her, too. Jack, thank God, was sleeping at the moment, and Les was greatful for that. He was a sweetheart, and had taken quite a liking to both Kurt and Blaine. Seeing them like this would upset him, too, and the last thing she wanted was to stress him out any more than he already was stressed.
"What do I have to judge you for?" Les asked, turning slowly to meet his gaze. "Kurt, you're freaking out. Anyone would be. I'll be honest and say I don't know what to do to help you, or even if I can, but there's no way in hell that I'm judging you, babe."
"Don't... just don't offer to help me," he warned and felt a trickle of sweat slide down his temple. God, when the craving hit, they hit him like a tonne of bricks. "You won't like what I ask of you. And it's not like I can fire you. I need him... I can't do it without him... I don't want to. If he can't remember me, I don't want to do any of this. I want out."
With a small nod, she glanced at him, knowing full well what he meant. "Okay. I won't ask. I'm just going to stay here with you as long as you need me to. Have... Have the doctors said anything?" That was a huge question in and of itself, and Les knew full well that it would have a lot of bearing on how Kurt would come through this whole thing. The fact was, if Blaine never remembered their marriage, or worse, that he even had reunited with Kurt? There would be no coming back from the edge for him. In fact, if Leslie knew Kurt... the real Kurt... she could almost bet money that he would, instead, take a swan dive off of the edge voluntarily.
Blaine was hurting and it was killing him. It was like a massive burning ache was swelling up inside him and he had no way to stop it. Well, he did have a way, but he had to try and fight this. He had to try and stay strong for Blaine. The notion Blaine might not ever remember him or their marriage was terrifying him, though, and he couldn't sit still. His leg was bouncing and his arms kept fidgeting. He just wanted to hold Blaine, and he wanted to know it was all going to be okay. "I need something. I just need it. It will help me deal with this! It always does! Why doesn't anyone understand that?!"
God, did she wish there was something she could say to take Kurt's mind off of getting high. But he seemed so utterly set on it that there was no knowing what the hell he might do. "It helps you for a while, honey. But what happens when it's never enough. You keep wanting more, and you fucking hurt because you want it... So you either detox and hurt like hell through that, or you keep taking more, and you die, and then what? What if Blaine comes back and he's looking for you, and you're gone like that. Kurt, I'm not trying to be a bitch. But I know what that shit feels like. It's fucking heaven when you're on it, but then it's hell, and no matter how much you get, it's never enough to get that feeling back. You're always going to be chasing the dragon, and you know that as well as I do."
He looked at her, his eyes still struggling to actually hold the gaze without flicking all over the place, but he still managed to look at her briefly at her words. She was right, and he turned back to Blaine's room, rocking forward while his leg continued to bounce with the aggravation pulsing through him. What if Blaine did wake up and wanted him, needed him, and he wasn't there for him? If he was off getting trashed. What if something happened and Blaine needed him, and he wasn't there, and because he wasn't there, Blaine died? Tears of pained frustration spilled down his cheeks as he fought one of the hardest internal battles he ever had. There was even a soft whimper of struggle when his mind tried to sought through everything beyond the haze of craving and desperation he was feeling. "I-I can't... I can't do this... I don't know how to do this..."
Her hand reached out to hold Kurt's as if to steady him a bit. "Kurt, you can. I know you can. If not for yourself, then for Blaine. He's not gone, not yet. And there's still hope that he'll be okay. But he's going to need you, baby. I know it's hard, but you have so many people here who want to help you. Please let us." She literally ached for Kurt. She'd never fallen as far into the drug world as he had, but watching someone struggling this long after being without his substance of choice was breaking her damn heart.
And there were those horrible thoughts back again. That he didn't want to go on, that the blackness was creeping up on him again and trying pull him down to suffocate him. There was no Blaine there to reach out and stop him from falling, because Blaine was in there seriously sick and couldn't remember anything of the beautiful things they had shared together recently. More helpless tears splashed down his cheeks and he couldn't control them anymore. When Leslie took his hand, he returned the grip probably to almost painful levels, but it was at least something he could try to use as a life-preserver right now. Finn had called Burt and taken care of all the things Kurt had been incapable of right now. Kurt was hardly aware of anything going on around him except for how much all this was engulfing him again. "I just need a little bit. That's all. Please, Les, you have to help me. I can be here for him then and I'll be able to think more clearly. It stops, you know. The hurting stops if I can just have a little bit. It's important this time. It's not like the rest of the times. I need it this time! I fucking need it! Why can't anyone understand that?! None of you want to understand! None of you fucking care what it's like for me!"
Blaine needed Kurt. Of that much, Leslie was entirely certain, and her heart ached knowing that Blaine was completely unaware that the love of his life was right here with him, loving him through this whole thing, and aching all over because of the pain of it all. "I know you want it, Kurt, But you can't do this. Not to yourself, not to Blaine. I do want to understand, and God knows I care, but I can't let you do this to yourself, sweetheart, Or to Blaine. Or anyone else who loves you. You might not come out again, and Blaine can't lose you, either." Her hands still clung to his, trying to ground him in some way, and knowing that nothing she could do could truly do that. Kurt had to make that choice himself, or he would lose this fight.
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