Just a quick list of things about modrons and Nordom.
- Modrons have no gender. Nordom can be referred to as a 'he' but he's really neuter. They don't reproduce like normal beings, for the curious; the lowest caste, monodrones, can reproduce by splitting, and new ones can be born or reborn as necessary from Primus' energy pool. They promote like so: a quadrone dies, and a tridrone will find itself suddenly a quadrone. That simple~
- The modron hierarchy is as follows for the base modrons: monodrone, duodrone, tridrone, quadrone. They do day-to-day tasks.
- The modron hierarchy is as follows for the hierarch modrons: decaton, nonaton, octon, septon, hexton, quinton, quarton, tertian, secundus, primus. They oversee the rest of the modrons.
- Primus is, functionally speaking, a god. The modron god, not that he/it is worshipped in any manner by the modrons.
- Modrons do need to eat and sleep. It should be noted that they can eat anything, though. Anything they do eat is converted to perfect energy and thus utilized.
- Modrons don't age. This holds true even for rogues. They can be killed, although they just respawn as monodrones. This last does not apply to rogues.
- If rogues die, they're gone for good. All their gained 'self' does not transmit over to their respawned monodrone selves. This is why normal modrons try to kill rogues, because they're essentially stealing away energy and power from the modron race, and because killing a rogue returns that energy to normal.
- All rogues look like quadrones. That is, six-sided cubes with legs, arms and wings. Nordom doesn't have wings; he has another set of arms instead. Yep, four arms in total.
- Nordom's weapons aren't really crossbows, they're Gear Spirits. They're just assuming the shape of crossbows because they like it. Think of Gear Spirits as sort of dryads gone a-wandering, and you've got the right idea.
- Related to the last point, Nordom never needs ammo. The bolts are made by the Gear Spirits, and more interestingly, they vanish after striking a target.