(no subject)

Apr 03, 2006 21:37

I was just reading that Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that there will not be a reintroduction of legislation to decriminalize possesion of small amounts of marijuana. And I'll bet the reason is this; the United States has been moaning and groaning for years about marijuana coming across the border from Canada. Mr. Harper like Mr. Bush...Mr. Harper want to make Mr. Bush happy. Mr. Martin never make Mr. Bush happy, but Mr. Harper want to...he want to real bad.

Anyway, according to the Globe and Mail, the intention of the bill was to prevent young people caught with marijuana from getting stuck with a lifelong criminal record. So, the intention of the bill was to recognize a certain reality: young humans experiment...but they often turn out alright in the end. The intention of not reintroducing this bill is to...criminalize a truth? That's something kind of interesting the Tories are doing, perhaps as logical as driving down the wrong side of the highway. Regardless of what the Conservatives are thinking right now, it still sounds like if all of British Columbia were to be consumed by a forest fire, there would be a worldwide case of the munchies.

Moving on, there are only two days of classes left for me. We're reading a fascinating book in Aquinas right now, a novel by Charles Williams called Descent Into Hell. It looks at the ways in which humans can create hell for themselves, in varying degrees of spiritual desolation.

This past weekend was a blast, too. Nathan had a vehicle for the weekend, so he drove Eric, Craig, and I all around town. The only thing about my buddy is that he's pretty heavily medicated and has a tendancy to drive like, well...a fucking maniac. But you just hold on tight, shut your eyes tightly now and then (especially in busy parking lots), and things turn out alright. Besides, when you're drunk, it's kind of funny when the sober person who's driving you goes left around a roundabout. I also learned that it's kind of too bad to meet a nice girl (who's sober) while you're drunk and only wind up speaking in half-finished sentances and statements of pretty obvious facts. I also learned that listening to a slam contest between a drunk Prince Edward Islander and a sober Newfoundlander who's pretending he's intoxicated is goddamn hilarious; "PEI, all you do is grow fucking potatoes!"
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