Apparently, Comcast has recently decided to not allow personal webservers to be run off of their residential high speed internet packages. I have not been hit as of yet, but a friend of mine has, and I looked at Comcast's site, and sure enough, they have added a section to there F.A.Q. that states that running a web server from their residential service *isn't* available.
Every Windows XP Pro, and MCE currently come with the ability to set this sort of thing up, which will now be pointless to have. Sure, I could switch ISP's, but wait... there are no other ISP's that offers the speeds that Comcast does, short of paying out of your ass.
Why would they decide to do this? I don't see how it would be doing any harm. Any bandwidth being used will only slow down my own connection. I understand that, have taken it into account, and it doesn't bother me. I'm not putting out a commercial site where I would need tons of bandwidth to accomidate all the hits a site like that would get. It's pretty much a personal site I can send my friends to for pictures, and files.
Why? To make more money, to squeeze everything they can out of people.
I recently stumble(d) (awesome firefox add-on, btw) upon a site preaching about saving the internet. I understood where they were coming from, but didn't really care. I got what I wanted out of the internet. Now, I can see more clearly where they are coming from. I highly advise you to visit, and see what it's all about. More importantly, if you are a comcast customer, send them an e-mail on the subject. I'm not happy about this, and I plan on doing it too. I know that most people don't have their own servers, but if you wanted one, don't you think you should have that option?
We're becoming a world based on communication, and I think corporations shouldn't be limiting our ability to do that.
Venting over.