i don't feel like writing a whole lotta shtuff.
does anybody have any good ideas for shirt designs?
i'm bored of not studying for finals.
that leads me here. asking my fellow LJ'ers.
opinions are accepted.
please keep it PG-16 for the children's sake.
anyways. i learned how to spell "grammAr" today. honestly, how many people thought it was "grammEr"??
don't lie. i'll know. i'm hacking into your computer right now and it can sense by the way you're typing if your lying or not.
also. from my book "150 facts you wont believe!" here's one:
"rainbows sometimes appear at night. Called moonbows, nighttime rainbows are totally white in appearance"
"Rain drops are not shaped like tear drops. They look more like doughnuts."