May 08, 2009 09:18
- 10:07 Repetitive theory compositions are repetitive. My brain is pounding! #
- 10:20 It is warm and beautiful outside but I can't enjoy it. So, I am thinking if tattoo ideas for when I finally get a new one...someday. #
- 12:25 @ axegoddess all your twittering is keeping me entertained during boring piano class.Thanks. #
- 12:37 I am staring at band pictures on the wall and it is weird seeing myself from years ago. #
- 12:38 Wait, maybe that didn't make much sense. ha. whatever. #
- 12:54 Why am I so fascinated by Erzsebet Bathory? #
- 14:25 @ SnarkyWriter surprise money you know about? Good deal. #
- 15:35 I just found a brand new ipod nano...the kind you shake to shuffle. #
- 15:46 Not really. I think it belonged to a teen girl. @SChristianson: @educatedlady That's the one I have in Hot Pink! Any good tunes? #
- 17:09 Nice. I found an ipod that plays movies. #
- 17:11 @ KosmicZombie Nice. I found an ipod that plays movies. #
- 17:38 @ the1andonlyDawn Miss you too!!! :) #
- 18:34 @ JonnyRadtke: Pics or it didn't happen. :) #
- 18:48 @ LisaRenee123 I LOVE that video. So great. And Ryan...<3 <3 <3 #
- 19:17 @ SnarkyWriter Umm, explain please. #
- 19:19 @ SnarkyWriter oh, good. I thought you personally blacked out. I was worried. #
- 19:23 @ KosmicZombie Bummer. I have full power. :) #
- 21:32 Watching Supernatural and then bed. I am exhausted. Night. #
- 06:41 @ Synthesia & @hermorrine I just caught up on your convo from last night and it was strange to see my inner thoughts written out by you two #
- 06:52 @ LisaRenee123 do you follow RH on here? They said something about preparing for summer tour. O_o #
- 08:57 Does anyone want to see Star Trek with me this weekend? #
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