An aquired melt down.

Nov 15, 2006 14:49

Hello darlings.
Today.. Well..... Today was awful.
Incase you actully cared.
I doubt it, its not like my day influences anyone elses.
It was just so bleck.
I can't explain in words how bad my day was.
And I don't know where to start explaining why it was so bad.
I don't know if you even care why it was so bad.
But it was bad.
Ah! I'll go by class.

Math- This morning we had a test. It wasn't to hard but,
someone shoved into my while I was getting up. They looked back, and noticed it was me
so they disregarded the whole thing. Not a big deal.

Science- I couldn't concentrate at all. We had to do an expariment.
That was intresting. Well.. Not really. I don't really like Science much at all though.
I guess that adds to what made it so bad.

Spanish- Awful. I got a re-quiz back. It had the same grade as the last one. They were all stupid mistakes too. I'm such an idiot.

Chorus/Lunch- I suppose this is the worst part of my day. I like singing. Yes, but for some reason I always freeze up in chorus and forget how to like.. I guess you could say, make sound. I'm also horrifyed of being infront of audiances. So I asked if I could skip the concert. Bad idea. The teacher was my favorite. But, then she basically killed me and Vicky with her words. I think I quit. I can't take go to that class anymore. It's going to... Well.. Kill me.

Art- My favorite class out of all of them. I was too shook up about what happened in chorus to think about it. We were working with clay too. My favorite thing to work with. All my insperation was gone. I did like two inchs of work. Thats it.

SS- Still messed up about chorus. We had a sub and textbook work. It was fine.

English- STILL couldn't get the whole chorus thing out of my mind. Couldn't concentrate. Drew on my hand the whole time.

Skills- Oh Chorus. I reviewed for Science and got "shhh"ed at when I helped a kid with a word.
If the teacher had payed attention to notice he had his hand raised, I wouldn't have had to help him. The Last 15 minuets we had to go to our bus drill rooms.

Bus Drill- I did nothing for fifteen minuets but read and think. But I wasn't understanding what I was reading. I was too busy with the war that was going on inside my head. Fucking chorus.

So.. Now I'm home.
And Life is still being a major suckfest.
And.. I still can't get it off my mind.
I don't want to quit. But.. I'm scared of going back.
Maybe I should just quit. Life is so confusing.

It makes me feel so sick.
Like I just want to empty the blood out of my body.
Would things be better that way? No.
Obviosly not.
That is not the answer to any problem.
I suppose.

I guess I should just.. Think things over.

----*Edit-From 10:16PM

Ack, my head hurts.
Noteatingisbaddd. I should do that.
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